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Bundy’s and Ravalli County

Lose at the Montana Supreme Court level and then this?

“If the commission chooses to stay the course and remove the gate, Bugli said the property owners plan to make a stand. At this point, Bugli said he can’t say what that would look like.”
Lose at the Montana Supreme Court level and then this?

“If the commission chooses to stay the course and remove the gate, Bugli said the property owners plan to make a stand. At this point, Bugli said he can’t say what that would look like.”
I hope it looks like justice.
I went to school with Jay Bugli and his wife. Old time Bitterroot family. Doesn't surprise me. mtmuley
Hopefully it looks a lot like a "Lavoy Finicum"...

I get that the feds didn't want to repeat the optics of Ruby Ridge or Waco when the Bundy lover wackos armed themselves to the teeth and stood against the feds when they tried to round up his cattle...but at some point they should have realized that they were simply delaying the inevitable and ensuring that a Malheur type of situation was going to happen. They didn't want to embolden Bundyism and make them into martyrs among their wacko supporters, but they should have never backed down from that confrontation IMO. Those people brought it on themselves, and thus far they haven't been punished. If anything, they have gotten worse.

I think they need to realize that when armed wackos do illegal things, blatantly, and decide to stand against the feds/other law enforcement and provoke confrontation, bad things are going to happen no matter what you do. You can either choose to do the right thing, no matter how difficult and unsightly it is, or you can choose to back down and let the menace grow as we have seen.
What is the short take on the "Ravalli County dispute" for those of that are not on the correct news feed apparently.
What is the short take on the "Ravalli County dispute" for those of that are not on the correct news feed apparently.
My short take is... Nothing will happen. Don't know why bullbugle posted his diatribe. mtmuley
My guess is the gate will come out and not much else will happen. You can’t be too bright to lose at the Montana Supreme Court and then look to a Bundy for rescue.
My short take is... Nothing will happen. Don't know why bullbugle posted his diatribe. mtmuley

I'll tell why I posted my diatribe...

Now that the bundys and the 3 percenters have their eye on this thing, theres a chance for another standoff or confrontation regardless of what the landowner in question wants. Remember the Hammonds not wanting to involve the Bundys in their situation? I do. And look how that turned out.

The Bundys, three percenters, and their ilk are going to look to situations like these to stage their standoffs and push their agenda until they're stopped or somehow punished. It may not be this one, but anytime these a holes get involved with something, I think we should all pay attention. These people need to be brought to justice. It should have happened a long time ago.

I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say or think I'm long winded. I am. But the Bundys and their supporters really piss me off, and frankly, I have a lot of pent up anger over the fact that they've got to walk free and maintain their business as usual after all the bs they've pulled.
I'll tell why I posted my diatribe...

Now that the bundys and the 3 percenters have their eye on this thing, theres a chance for another standoff or confrontation regardless of what the landowner in question wants. Remember the Hammonds not wanting to involve the Bundys in their situation? I do. And look how that turned out.

The Bundys, three percenters, and their ilk are going to look to situations like these to stage their standoffs and push their agenda until they're stopped or somehow punished. It may not be this one, but anytime these a holes get involved with something, I think we should all pay attention. These people need to be brought to justice. It should have happened a long time ago.

I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say or think I'm long winded. I am. But the Bundys and their supporters really piss me off, and frankly, I have a lot of pent up anger over the fact that they've got to walk free and maintain their business as usual after all the bs they've pulled.
I'll let you know if I see the Bundy's. Hell, he might be at Jay's house right now. It's a gate, and they lost. I haven't talked to the Bugli's in awhile, but I doubt there's a standoff imminent. We'll see. Hunting season opens soon. mtmuley
I'd pay money to hear that conversation...

mtmuley: "Take the gate down yet?"

3%er: "They'll get that gate down over my dead body, and a big pile of their own dead...they better bring and army! Hell, they better bring an army with armor! We'll turn this into the next revolution! You know only 3% of the colonists overthrew the crown don't you?!? This'll be the next Lexington, and over behind the barn'll be Concord! Bring on the redcoats!!"

mtmuley: "Yer a dumbass...I'm goin huntin. mtmuley"

The man has his priorities down.
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