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Billy Goat Society-RMGA


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
Whitehall, MT
This past year I was the lucky winner of the Billy Goat Society for the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance. The Billy Goat Society is for people that haven't harvested a Mountain Goat, and they raffle off a goat hunt with Backcountry BC and Beyond at the <1Club social during the sheep show. I signed up for the Goat Alliance during the show and threw my name in for the goat hunt as well. Low and behold a couple hours later I won an awesome hunt and incredible experience. I decided to add my wife on for the hunt and she shot a great goat as well. She's not included in the video, but for anyone interested in the hunt check out the video.

I also participated in a Mountain Goat survey last year, and it was a blast. I'll be doing several more this summer, and hopefully for many years to come. The RMGA is a great organization that is definitely starting to gain some traction. If you are looking for solid conservation groups to get involved with please consider the RMGA.
Mt goats are definitely my favorite critter. I helped out with a survey of the Goat Rocks a few years back, just watching those critters was a ton of fun.
So your the guy that drew my goat tag huh?! I told Pete to make sure mine was on top of the pile! Congrats on a successful hunt and on an amazing opportunity. I just can't say enough good things about Pete and his crew at the RMGA, they're all doing an amazing job. Coming from basically nothing (a college kid with an idea) they have really turned that group into a very successful wildlife management organization. Hope to get out on a couple counts this year!
I was jazzed to throw my $20 in as well, but dumb rule kept me out of the game. haaha
So your the guy that drew my goat tag huh?! I told Pete to make sure mine was on top of the pile! Congrats on a successful hunt and on an amazing opportunity. I just can't say enough good things about Pete and his crew at the RMGA, they're all doing an amazing job. Coming from basically nothing (a college kid with an idea) they have really turned that group into a very successful wildlife management organization. Hope to get out on a couple counts this year!

Pete has definitely done a great job. He's a good guy and I've enjoyed getting to know him. If you make it out for a couple goat counts next year let me know and maybe we'll take a hike together!
You bet carnage..... love to I wish they'd spread them counts out a bit though to some different locations in Montana.
Keeping it local it looks like Heath!
Tonight’s winner ‘Timmer’ Reeves of Butte is wonderful. Very well deserved for a special guy.

He also just published a book that he’s selling, through StoneyDale Press. ( Publishers of Duncan
Gilchrist’s books)

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Me too. Timmer has struggled with a disease and partial deafness his whole life and cancer this last year.

Not sure how I missed this, great video.

I've hunted with Dan a couple times, he is a great dude!

Also see you got to hunt with Odin and Sitka. They are great dogs and a lot of fun to have along on a hunt.

Congrats on a nice goat!