Back from the abyss


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2014
Hello Folks, it's been a while since I've posted anything on here but I'm glad to see so many people contributing and the forum still going strong. While I don't necessarily enjoy talking about my personal life anymore, I know there are a few members wondering how I was doing this past year. Beginning in April, my life fell apart; my wife of 7 years left me to marry someone else and this meant selling our house (including my podcast studio). Our house sold in 5 days and she already had a new place to live and I was essentially homeless so I made the heartbreaking decision to let her take our two dogs. At the same time, my workplace decided to dump a much larger workload upon me but I didn't think a job hunt added on to everything was a good idea so I just gritted my way through it. By the time, autumn came around, hunting just wasn't a priority (something I never thought would happen). I made it out a few times but all I really wanted to do was drink; and drink I did. In December, bottles of whisky and I hit bottom, but sometimes the harder you hit the bottom, the higher you bounce up. Now, I've got my feet back under me. I'm done binge drinking, I'm shed hunting a few miles each day, looking forward to turkey season, and elk season, and deer season. I'll have my podcast up and running again soon and hope I can resume contributing with the other fine members of the Hunt Talk Forum. Thanks all.
When life throws a curve ball all you can do is swing and hit it out of the park. Good luck and we are glad to have you back!
Been there. First wife pulled the same stunt. I got to keep my dog and horses but she took the daughter. My dad finally told me to go see a counselor or move out. His dad and Mom's mother were both alcoholics. That counselor was a helluva gal. She told me to stop drinking, eat out every day of the week, and get into an exercise regimen. "Now leave. Come back next week and if you haven't followed instructions, we're done. I'll throw you out the door myself if I have to." Wow! How will you know if I've complied? "I'll know. Now beat it." Figured this was one gal who can't be tested. I came back next week and she told me to sit down and we'd get started. But how did she know? "Don't worry, I know what's going on with you. So don't get any ideas about screwing up. I will know." Years later Dad told me she was calling regularly to check up. Totally unethical but it worked. Sometimes life in a small community where everyone is under the microscope has benefits. Well, the Flathead was a small community back then.

Booze is a depressant. Go light in the hard times. I still stick to just one light beer when I go out. Nothing kept in the house. I like it too much.
As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road ... take it." 'Sounds like you took the wrong fork for awhile, stumbled a bit, then turned around and are on the right trail now.
Best to you.
Great to hear you we’re able to turn things around. You’re one of the fortunate ones to be able to. Good luck in the future.
I’m sure you are finding your time outdoors have helped to improve your commitment to yourself and not wasting another day wallowing in self doubt and looking in the rear view mirror. I’m sure there is someone else in similar situations who will take your story and use it to motivate them to do the same. Glad to hear you are finding renewed enjoyment in your pursuits.
Welcome back and glad you made it through what sounds like a pretty dark time. I hope you're back out there this hunting season!
I missed this when you first posted, but it’s great to see you back @kenton . Going through what you just did will make you get to know yourself real quick, and sometimes what you learn can be pretty unflattering. Really cool to hear that you personally have gone full phoenix on that shit.
One day at a time… hopefully soon you will be able to dwell on the opportunities ahead of you and move towards them instead of everything in the present being overshadowed by the past.

A quote that I have revisited many times over the past decade of my life is “Move towards the good, not away from the bad.”

When I am able to do that, hope becomes my approach to life. When I can’t, despair and anger over what I perceive to have been unfairly taken away from me colors my perspective.

I am learning the wisdom of the following verses,

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” - Philippians 4:8&9
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