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Amazon Prime, have to purchase?


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2019
Went to watch some older episodes and none were free with Prime. Anyone else seeing this, or am I fluke?
Any updates on this? When I first started watching on Prime they were free? Went to watch some a week or so ago and there’s a charge to watch. It even shows the episodes I’d previously watched as being new or not viewed previously.
As a backup they’re still available on YouTube. You can search by season and then select individual episodes. Only downside is the stupid adds
Any updates on this? When I first started watching on Prime they were free? Went to watch some a week or so ago and there’s a charge to watch. It even shows the episodes I’d previously watched as being new or not viewed previously.
It is how Amazon has changed it. They now require to either rent or buy. As @TN2shot07 mentioned, they are all out on YouTube. You have to search and hunt to find them on YouTube and they do have ads.
It is how Amazon has changed it. They now require to either rent or buy. As @TN2shot07 mentioned, they are all out on YouTube. You have to search and hunt to find them on YouTube and they do have ads.
Thank you Randy. Appreciate the response. YouTube here I come!!!
Get used to it, with everyone looking to "cut the cable", streaming services as they become more and more popular and start pulling in more and more shows other than their "own", we will see fees.
As Amazon has gained market share they are slowly but steadily charging for just about everything now. If you look at their past business goals they intentionally undercut competitors and were losing money for many years. But they knew if they held on they would eventually dominate, and they pretty much do now.
Sorry to revive an old(ish) thread. Just throwing another data point in there if it comes up down the road - opened up Prime Video last night to scan through some of the Montana Elk episodes as we are prepping for our first ever elk hunt in November and was disappointed to find that they were pay-to-play now. Bummer.. Guess I'll jump on over to YT yet again! Thanks!
Any updates on this? When I first started watching on Prime they were free? Went to watch some a week or so ago and there’s a charge to watch. It even shows the episodes I’d previously watched as being new or not viewed previously.
Everything Amazon does will follow the same pattern. They are systematically destroying their competitors until they’re the only option left…..and then the prices will increase
As Amazon has gained market share they are slowly but steadily charging for just about everything now. If you look at their past business goals they intentionally undercut competitors and were losing money for many years. But they knew if they held on they would eventually dominate, and they pretty much do now.
Everything Amazon does will follow the same pattern. They are systematically destroying their competitors until they’re the only option left…..and then the prices will increase

It's been a widely used tactic by near monopolistic entities for a long time, Wal-Mart being a prime (pun intended) example.
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