Caribou Gear

3D Maps from goHUNT - A few E-scouting tools

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This is a bit of a confession. When goHUNT told me they were going to release 3D maps, my response was more of "meh" than it was super excitement. I had always felt comfortable with my ability to look at topo lines in 2D and if I felt I needed comfort, I would log into GE and confirm from that. I just didn't see where 3D would be that big of an improvement.

Now that I have had 3D maps with layers, I have to admit my level of enthusiasm has changed. Over the last two months I have been giving my "wish list" to goHUNT for tools I need when E-scouting on my desktop maps. They have been creating some of those for me to test and they are adding them to the 3D desktop maps.

The end idea of my E-scouting project with them is that every tool I need for E-scouting will be right there on the desktop maps. I don't E-scout from my phone, so I am focused on having these available for my desktop application.

This video has a few of the tools we have come up with since we started this in June. Many more E-scouting tools are on the list, though right now goHUNT is focused on getting the mobile app perfected. As those additional tools are added, I will do videos about them.

Here is a video with a few E-scouting tips I am using for my Colorado 1st Rifle Elk season and demonstration of how some of these E-scouting tools are designed with what an elk hunter needs to build the best possible E-scouting plan. Excited to work with them on a very robust suite of tools that make this task far easier than when I did my first E-scouting seminar in 2013 where the tools available were screenshots of GE and Microsoft Paint.

I might reprimand the editor who came up with that stupid looking thumbnail. All I need is some coke bottle glasses and I could be a stand in as Bubbles on the Trail Park Boys.

So is On X dead or did they have a baby with Go Hunt?

goHUNT has a better topo map, better 3D tools than google earth, but we’ll have to wait for the final version to assess their sat imagery. User data organization is better than any others except google earth. They’ll undoubtedly add hma/tma and other layers and at that point they’ll be a better option than any of the other gps apps.
Their collections could use sub categories and searching by any viable coordinate system would be good as well.
goHUNT has a better topo map, better 3D tools than google earth, but we’ll have to wait for the final version to assess their sat imagery. User data organization is better than any others except google earth. They’ll undoubtedly add hma/tma and other layers and at that point they’ll be a better option than any of the other gps apps.
Their collections could use sub categories and searching by any viable coordinate system would be good as well.
If Bob says it's good I'm paying attention.
I'd assume there's going to be a mobile app in the future?
GoHunt being a new product, they should have a much faster product lifecycle, with micro services and what not. GoHunt has shown a pattern of constant enhancements. OnX always seemed slow to release new features
GoHunt being a new product, they should have a much faster product lifecycle, with micro services and what not. GoHunt has shown a pattern of constant enhancements. OnX always seemed slow to release new features
I'm rooting for them, I really am as they have features I really loved when I played around on a free trial a few weeks ago. They just have probably a year plus of development and bug fixing before it will replace everything onx has.

The beauty of capitalism is now that gohunt launched a 3d map (which is actually following suit of huntinfool if I'm correct) onx sorta is forced to in order to compete.
Really wish that i could export files out of Gohunt. Spent some time escouting in there and it looks really awesome. Google earth is good and has a lot of functionality, but I think Gohunt is really on to something here.
I've spent a little time working with the new mapping and so far its all thumbs up. I like the 3D aspect with the topo lines on - this really points out the angles and "dirty corners" really well. Regardless of what their competitors do, I think GoHunt got this right and by the sounds of it things just get better from here - I'm excited for the mobil version
I'm curious if onX will feel the need to develop a 3d component eventually. In the meantime I feel committed to it because I don't really want to pay for 2 mapping services, and I have even less interest in transferring the 1,000+ waypoints I have in onX to another platform.
I'm curious if onX will feel the need to develop a 3d component eventually. In the meantime I feel committed to it because I don't really want to pay for 2 mapping services, and I have even less interest in transferring the 1,000+ waypoints I have in onX to another platform.
I asked them that question some time back and they said that they are working on it.
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You mean GPS chip version. Lol or maybe you mean Markus is doing the mobile testing lol

. . . . . Have you actually be watching Randy's shows for the last few years? When did you last see him using a GPS with a chip? Why do you think you know something here that no one else does?
In addition to scouting, the ability to use offline mobile is key. Otherwise it’s only useful in the ‘pre-hunt-phase.’ And the ability to transport routes, points, and external overlays with kmz or kml files is useful. Having just started western hunting, I find it necessary to use a mapping service for scouting, but once in the field, the ability to store and save points on my mobile that I can take back to my desktop and post-mortem the on the ground reality is crucial.
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