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2021 Draw


Active member
Jun 11, 2020
Anyone have the points for a good draw this year? Unfortunately, I'll be hunting the open zones but hoping for success like last year. Of course, there is always the chance to get a lucky draw but not counting on it.

Good luck to everyone!
Not enough deer points to draw anything good. I've drawn Tule Elk and Antelope in the past, hoping for another long shot on those and sheep but certainly not counting on it.
Sitting on 17pts for both elk and antelope in CA but will just be adding a PP this year instead of going into the draw... falls already booked. Never had more than 6pts for deer there before getting hit and resetting the clock.
Minimal points on most species here. Going to sweat my eye balls out in the good ole A zone and try somewhere in the Sierra's for the first time, maybe D8. Going to try bear for the first time too.

If your serious about bear and don’t mind backpacking, our last deer hunt in the Trinity Alps we saw prob. double the amount of bear as we did bucks. Literally every day we’d see at least one.
As the deadline "draws" near any suggestions other than D17 for the Southern part of the state?
Only one point to burn this year. Put in for a late season hunt for my first choice and then the zone I hunted last year as my second choice. Third choice is D8 because it’s an OTC tag and I doubt any premium zones will be available as third choices. Focusing on hunts out of state this year though. I’m worried about the bad fire season that we’re going to have shutting down a lot of the forests.
Max points for sheep - If I live long enough, I'll pull a tag. Results should come in this week.
Most sheep hunts only issue 1 tag so points are irrelevant. A person with zero points is equal to max points.
Back in 2005 I forgot to apply and put myself out of the max point pool. I was so angry with myself, but the following year I drew a bull Tule Elk tag.
Most sheep hunts only issue 1 tag so points are irrelevant.
Only 2 of the 8 zones that have permits issue a single tag. Max points is a huge deal in those 6 zones that issue more than 1.
I was able to draw a long awaited deer tag in unit 5A in NM. I also was fortunate to draw a elk tag too. I didn't draw any of my Montana tags but have high bonus points for moose, elk, deer, goat, and sheep. I also have a Colorado deer tag. Next year should be a great year for me in Wyoming and Utah. I also was a recipient/auction winner of a governors moose tag in Montana for 2021 as well. (not a draw but a hunt to look forward to.)

I am an archer so my hunts all align to archery seasons as well.
This is how the odds looked this year for sheep, if I was max there's no choice other than the White Mountains. The change from PY column is max point applicant movement from 2019 to 2020.

Hoping we see results this Friday.

Screen Shot 2021-06-09 at 9.53.39 AM.png
Only 2 of the 8 zones that have permits issue a single tag. Max points is a huge deal in those 6 zones that issue more than 1.
I stand corrected.
For years I have applied for the same zone Orocopia because it's close to home and they always issue 1 tag only. Haven't really looked at the other zones in so long. This year is the first in a long time that I applied outside of Orocopia because I got Dec/Jan tied up. Had to go with the White Mountains. Obviously with 6 tags there max points is a big deal, but like Jim Carey said in Dumb & Dumber "So there's a chance" There are more tags issued now in some of the other zones whereas in the past they were 1-2 tag hunts.
Had been putting in for the White Mtn hunt most years. Went through Bishop and farther down south in January hunting chukars and quail. The White Mtns, when younger would have been a great challenge. At 63, I said screw that, so I put for hunt 3. Winter desert sheep hunts is what O'Conner liked too. Tomorrow or Friday, results should be out.
I’d love to see a tule elk thread from one of you guys!
Nothing. Only hope is fund raising draws in various states and the Arizona draw.
Looking like Kodiak this year barring a miracle draw.

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