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'Yotes: What to do with carcusses when pelts have little value?

Whenever I shot one I threw it down into the ravine. Private property. The one time I left it where it lay it stayed there for a long time without being touched.
Many people just don’t think past the end of their nose on this kind of thing. I’ve shot and trapped a small pile over the years. The simple answer is dump them out of sight from any road or anyone who cares, on property that you’re supposed to be on. Preferably the same property the coyote was taken from if possible. Natures cleanup crew will take care of it shortly.

Same goes for deer gut piles. I can’t tell you how many times over the years parts of deer carcasses have been strewn all over out in the road in the area I hunt because unscrupulous hunters decided they should gut their kills right in a roadside ditch. It’s infuriating. And I have even had words with people I have caught doing it on a property my family leased. Then they acted like I’m the bad guy for stopping them from dumping deer guts on the edge of the road. 🤦‍♂️
Gut piles and bones are one thing. What galls me is finding a deer in the road ditch with the backstraps and MAYBE the hams removed. I don't get why you would haul it out if you are going to wanton waste it anyway?
On another site in the Hunting/Varmint forum I asked pretty much the same question about prairie dogs and yotes and I kinda got dog piled on telling me if I didn't like it don't do it. I was honestly just curious as guys post pics with piles of PDs, as I would never eat them either.

I'm planning to hunt pig, working on my loads as I type.
I shot one with my bow one time. Left it lay. This is a place with more coyotes than you can shake a stick at and that thing sat there for months on end and was never touched by anything.
As in if you're not going to eat them? Interesting response.
Yeah, but I'm fine with them hunting PDs and putting them out for yotes if that's what they like to do with their time.

I just am not planning to do it myself when pig and even deer are pretty plentiful. Out of 6 friends 4 have filled their deer tags already.

I don't think I know anyone personally that hunts varmints.
I don't know anyone that hunts predators or varmints either. I'm still new to the game... hunting in general that is. My thought is if I can learn the ropes hunting coyote (steep learning curve, I know) and crow, that leaves deer and turkey season for the experienced folks.
I don't know anyone that hunts predators or varmints either.
This doesn't mean it's bad though. As a kid I shot rabbits in the desert with a 22LR, those little guys are fast, not so easy to hit.

The videos I've watched on Prairie Dogs, they are not very active...not too different than punching paper, IMO.

I'm still new to the game... hunting in general that is. My thought is if I can learn the ropes hunting coyote (steep learning curve, I know) and crow, that leaves deer and turkey season for the experienced folks.
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't see myself shooting more than a few varmints, of anything. Yotes and PDs are classified differently, AFAIK. Yotes are predators and PDs are rodents as far as I know. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

To me, they're similar...because I don't see myself eating either of them. I want hunting to be about harvesting meat that I will eat. There's far too much of that type of game in my state (California). Predators and rodents would be something California would use against the residents to take away their rights to keep and bear arms.
A neighbor shot a 'yote this week while he was sitting a deer stand. it was after a fawn, so its now gone. Gave it to a guy he knew that trapped them and wanted the hide.
Hang 'em up actually.

Coyotes eat a lot of fawns, killing them saves fawns that will become the deer meat you put ion your freezer. PDs can and do carry the plague they also burrow fields and are hazards to cattle and people for that matter.
With mule deer numbers down across the West, please start shooting predators- coyotes in particular.

We may sell a few we trap this year if very nice ones. Otherwise we may get a few tanned and sell them that way.
Some counties out West have bounties on coyotes, good way to help deer and make a few dollars.
Now that fur is almost worthless I'm going to take there heads and boil them and bleach them and sell them that way. It's easy to do and cheap If you have an in with a hair and beauty shop, I use their Peroxide to bleach.

Now that fur is almost worthless I'm going to take there heads and boil them and bleach them and sell them that way. It's easy to do and cheap If you have an in with a hair and beauty shop, I use their Peroxide to bleach.

Cool idea. How much do you sell them for?
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