Caribou Gear

Wolf in Elbert County Colorado, east of I25


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2017
Home of the OTC
A loose pet? Wonder how many other "loose pets:" are roaming the west. How long would one last without being trained to hunt at a young age?

A loose pet? Wonder how many other "loose pets:" are roaming the west. How long would one last without being trained to hunt at a young age?

"This wolf was discovered the same day that CPW confirmed the first wolf depredation of a calf in Grand County. Four days later on April 7, CPW confirmed a second wolf depredation of a calf in Jackson County. Another calf was attacked on April 13 and is receiving veterinary care. Four yearlings followed on April 16 and 17 in Grand County."

Bet this makes Ranchers feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Slight highjack -

Wonder how many hunters/conservation organizations/stock growers have shared their position with the USFWS contracted public input process...
This 23rd is the last day presently set.

We talk a great game of involvement until the opportunity to be involved is present then all we are are posers on a hunt internet forum - ranting.

"The meetings will be conducted via Zoom, and participants must pre-register. Here are the days, times, and links to join the discussion:
Monday, April 15 2:00pm-3:00pm (Register here!)
Tuesday, April 16 3:00pm-4:30pm EST (Register here!)
Tuesday, April 23 11:00am-12:30pm EST (Register here!)"

Registration Closed for the meeting on 4/23?? That woman charging T&M to USFS for everytime she says “Washington?!”
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