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Who Believes Powell and Yellen

I believe their time in office is getting short !
I guess you can say “Transitory’
They missed the curve last year and now a knee jerk reaction trying to use a defibrillator on the economy. They keep saying a 2% inflation rate target that will never happen with Biden War on Energy.
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There is never complete concurrence on macro economic matters. That said, pushing trainloads of cash to Americans to then push into the economy for over a year to mostly buy Chinese products is very likely to see the USD go down in relative value and see interest rates go up for an extended period of inflation that is never simple to calm back once gets above historical norms.

Powell and Yellen were slow to react and anyone that says words like transitory in light of all the spending was not recalling their entry-level finance classes in undergrad studies.

So, not a fan to see inflation chewing away at the buying power of elderly and disabled people on fixed incomes and the added pressure on the working poor. America is refinancing debt at 6% and anyone that has bought a home knows how a little movement in the interest rate can erode how much mortgage thus house you can purchase. Now, instead of a house imagine $Trillions of debt that has to be financed at 6% instead of the almost 0% of the past few years. Ouch. I need a Bud Light.
So, not a fan to see inflation chewing away at the buying power of elderly and disabled people on fixed incomes and the added pressure on the working poor. America is refinancing debt at 6% and anyone that has bought a home knows how a little movement in the interest rate can erode how much mortgage thus house you can purchase. Now, instead of a house imagine $Trillions of debt that has to be financed at 6% instead of the almost 0% of the past few years. Ouch. I need a Bud Light.
N=1 but because everyone refi’d so low they are kinda “stuck” therefore inventory is super low.

Meaning that prices are actually up even with the increase in interest rates.
Janet Yellen has successfully taken her place in history as the worst Secretary of Treasury and Chairman of the Fed in a short number of years. Quite an accomplishment.
For an economic genius she sure has said and done a whole bunch of dumb sh@t.
Yes agree they got behind the curve.
But really makes me mad is she tried to cover by saying “Transitory” like we are stupid enough to believe that.
They keep harping 2% inflation rate target not in this administration with its policy on fossil fuels they will be lucky to get 3.5%.
All this foreign money donations like Ukraine how much of our tax money gets kicked back into Biden’s Ireland Bank Account ?
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Yes agree they got behind the curve.
But really makes me mad is she tried to cover by saying “Transitory” like we are stupid enough to believe that.
They keep harping 2% inflation rate target not in this administration with its policy on fossil fuels they will be lucky to get 3.5%.
All this foreign money donations like Ukraine how much of our tax money gets kicked back into Biden’s Ireland Bank Account ?
Any chance I can interest you in a FREE lifetime membership to 24 Hour Campfire?
Yes agree they got behind the curve.
But really makes me mad is she tried to cover by saying “Transitory” like we are stupid enough to believe that.
They keep harping 2% inflation rate target not in this administration with its policy on fossil fuels they will be lucky to get 3.5%.
All this foreign money donations like Ukraine how much of our tax money gets kicked back into Biden’s Ireland Bank Account ?
Google Argentina Inflation. Meeting and talking politics and economy with numerous different people in Argentina was eye opening to how we really don't have it that bad in comparison to other places in this world.

We witnessed people literally tearing in half 1000 bill pesos in protest making fun of the government and the worthless bills.

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