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Trumper From Alaska

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Because I dislike Biden Administration and what they have done to this great country !
'Don't know what the heck you are referring to. As a senior citizen, thirty-some year Army Vet, with two tours Vietnam, patriotic and loving this great country ... enduring the failures and successes of several administrations of both parties, now I see a great infrastructure bill, more jobs, an uptick in the economic factor numbers, and some good things occuring for the present.
No disrespect meant, but be yourself, get good factual solid information to form your opinions, with an open rational mind. Don't label yourself as someone stuck in a ultra conservative or liberal ideology. It makes you appear like just another mindless sheep.
Welcome. Thanks for your and your family's service and sacrifice.

We generally keep partisan politics off the table, so we don't end up with smartass jibes like.

"Sorry about your TBI, " or "Secret Service is trying to train him not to drop the soap in the shower."


Looking forward to your hunting-related posts!
Ok kids it's time to stop kicking sand at each other. This post season nonsense peaking when many hunting season are opening (or already open). This thread contributed absolutely zero to public land hunting
Image of Things are getting too spicy for the pepper.
Such a shame, with all the worthy things in this short life to invest your time thoughts and action, politicians off any ilk shouldn’t make the list. Family, friends, neighbors, random people, all give us opportunities to be a good person, invest in them and you’re exponentially investing in yourself.
Welcome. Thanks for your and your family's service and sacrifice.

We generally keep partisan politics off the table, so we don't end up with smartass jibes like.

"Sorry about your TBI, " or "Secret Service is trying to train him not to drop the soap in the shower."

View attachment 288942

Looking forward to your hunting-related posts!
'Don't know what the heck you are referring to. As a senior citizen, thirty-some year Army Vet, with two tours Vietnam, patriotic and loving this great country ... enduring the failures and successes of several administrations of both parties, now I see a great infrastructure bill, more jobs, an uptick in the economic factor numbers, and some good things occuring for the present.
No disrespect meant, but be yourself, get good factual solid information to form your opinions, with an open rational mind. Don't label yourself as someone stuck in a ultra conservative or liberal ideology. It makes you appear like just another mindless sheep.
Careful that it's not too open, your brain might fall out. Also, are you getting the good stuff from the VA or do you have a local pusher?
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