Smoken a pork butt

Muley Crazy

Sep 17, 2006
I get up at 4:30 AM on my day off to put a 9 lb pork butt in my brand new electric smoker. I run out side to warm up the smoker and IT WILL NOT WORK !!! SON of A B%T$H I look all over the house looking for the instruction book but its no where to be found so I wake up my wonderful beautiful sleeping soon to be wife who has to work at 8am to ask her where she put it because I NEVER loose anything!! NOT A GOOD IDEA !! the sleeping dragon jumps out of bed runs into the kitchen, throws the instruction book at me blows a ball of fire at me and go's back to her cave. Glad to still have a of my appendages I rifle through the pamphlet to the trouble shooting page to find I need to call a 1-800 number BULL $h&t. Thank god I have 2 smokers (the other being gas) GOD knows BSU will loose if I don’t have pulled pork sandwiches to eat while they play !!! SO I run around the house looking for my BBQ lighter to light the gas smoker. Then I realize I had left it outside last week when I fried a turkey ( DAM near killed myself and burned down the house!! but that a whole different story) so I run outside and remember my little boy set it on the ground and it is now under 5 inches of ICE! so I grab a little baby lighter from my hunting pack. Mind you this little thing is so tiny I had to empty my entire pack on the floor to find it. Of course it's the last thing to fall out of my pack aside from a 5 mo old candy bar from hunting season, it was a little hard but it was a fine breakfast this early in the morning! SO I run outside crank on the gas and all be go to hell, the bastard will not light!! So with my brain only firing on half of it cylinders I figure if I stick my head in the smoker to light it it's going to help?? YEP it did !! now I'm doing a google search for miracle grow for eyebrows!! (mind you I'm getting married in 38 days might need those for wedding pic's) But on the bright side I have a smoker working by 5AM I grab the water pan for the smoker that is full of frozen hot dogs that I had smoked a few weeks back that were a little burnt (I don’t recommend drinking and using a smoker for long periods at the same time you will forget something, I.E. 40 hot dogs that are still in the water pan) At this point I start to wonder if working at a prison at 6:00 AM is a smart thing for me to be doing ? Anyway I run inside pour hot water all over the crispy chard hotdogs to free them form the water pan. While waiting for the water to heat up I decide to bring in the electric smoker to see if warming it up inside will help. Hot water released the hot dogs from there metal grave and we are in business!! Pork butt go's in the smoker without any more issues about 10 min's later I plug in my electric smoker to find that a miracle has accord on this fine Christmas week! IT WORKS !! IT WORKS !! mind you this is the second thing I have fixed in 2010 and dam proud of it ! I hastily unplug the smoker form the counter and knock over a bottle of 400 count Tylenol they scatter all over the kitchen floor which give the appearance that is has snowed a good inch in my kitchen I'll BE GO TO HELL it just not my day and it only 6AM THIS better be the best dam pulled pork I ever eat!!
Just a hint for next time. Most commercial electric smokers have a thermocupler on the back wall that needs to be warmed up in order for them to turn on. I use either a towel soaked in warm water or a hair dryer to warm it up.

Also keep it plugged at all times if you want to use it in below freezing temps.

I hope BSU can git'er done.

Muley, You sure you weren't smoking something other than a pork butt while you were trying to get the smoker going? :)

Funny stuff there. Enjoy your sandwiches and the game.
Dang, eyebrows are overrated, mine just grew back from setting fire to soaked firewood on memorial day, apparently you aren't supposed to use THAT much white gas. Glad you got the smoker going, enjoy the sammiches.
wow... you should have stayed in bed that morning.
I hate it when new shit don't work. Hope you get the new one up and running.
I got super lucky and made one from a nice Alto Sham cook and hold oven. Found it on craigslist last year for $150 and made a smoke generator for it. I love it!
I have had several smokers, electric and gas and still continue to come back to the lump charcoal/ wood setup. Usually end up gutting the element and fill with coal. I am gong to try and smoke a few pieces of deer tomorrow in my proq. We'll see how it goes, my first experience smoking the deer. Thought about wrapping it in bacon and it is getting marinated then rubbed. I spend the past few summers in IL fixin bbq for fairs, festivals and bbq events. It was a blast but alot of work. All the meat was smoked over coal and apple/cherry mix- many of nights I wished I would of went with the electric/gas setup. Any suggestions for smoking deer roasts?

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