Renamed: crisis averted


Well-known member
May 31, 2022
The wild west
Long story short, I’m at my family’s for Christmas. My BIL wants to give me a crossbow. Barnett 350 I think. Told him I’m not sure I can accept it cuz idk when I’d use it. I read WY regs and can use it for archery, but I’d only use it for pronghorn and maybe turkey.


Things not to be discussed around the table at the holidays:

Sexual preference.
He’s newish to the family. He had asked me ‘want to see my crossbow’ and then kind of let this on me.

He’s a good dude, takes care of my sister. I don’t see any foul play, and it would be fun to shoot around, but I really would rather he keep it and persuade him to go turkey hunting. He has a back injury so I think that may be why he’s trying to get rid of it.
Partly my fault, but I think too much of the focus is on the type of weapon. I think that I’d still have this struggle if it were a 20ga.
He’s newish to the family. He had asked me ‘want to see my crossbow’ and then kind of let this on me.

He’s a good dude, takes care of my sister. I don’t see any foul play, and it would be fun to shoot around, but I really would rather he keep it and persuade him to go turkey hunting. He has a back injury so I think that may be why he’s trying to get rid of it.

Strangely like that comment we were supposed to avoid as kids, “hey, wanna see my dad’s gun!?”
A crossbow is a good way to ease a youngster/novice into the shooting sports. Not particularly loud, no real recoil and introduces the concept of crosshair/aiming.

Its possible you won’t ever hunt with it, but I bet you’ll make it work for good.
A crossbow is a good way to ease a youngster/novice into the shooting sports. Not particularly loud, no real recoil and introduces the concept of crosshair/aiming.

It’s possible you won’t ever hunt with it, but I bet you’ll make it work for good.
Which ironically he kind of is. He’s hunted before but he hasn’t really done anything serious like what I’ve been doing the past few years.

I’m not good at accepting gifts I guess. I had a hard time getting an inherited rifle from my dad.
Take it and make him feel good about it. Take it home and play with it and have fun. Use it for rabbits or something like that. If you're happy with what kind of a guy he is then this seems like it would make him happy as well. Nobody says you have to hunt elk with it.
Im with dave on this one. Maybe just hang on to it and if he gets the urge to go hunt you can give it back. Sounds like he likes you, i wouldnt turn around and sell it on marketplace next week.

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