NEW SITKA Ambient 75

New member from Wisconsin

Yeah I should’ve been more specific. Our farm is on the border of C and F (southern adams) and have never seen a bear. Therefore I will wait till I can go way “up nort.”

We did start finding wolf track this year though.
I'm in Clark county and bears are abundant here and there's definitely wolves as well
Welcome from CO! I was lucky enough to experience my first Wisco gun season this year and harvest a small buck with great friends in Manitowoc......have to admit I'm a bit enamored with the state at this point.
Welcome from CO! I was lucky enough to experience my first Wisco gun season this year and harvest a small buck with great friends in Manitowoc......have to admit I'm a bit enamored with the state at this point.
That is awesome! We definitely love our deer here. If you get the chance come back during the rut with a bow, the woods get wild!
Not this year. Im planning to apply for 2023.
I am looking at spring black bear hunts in Montana. Been doing alot of reading on it and looking at On XMaps.
What dates are you going? We are leaving for Montana May 21 and returning the 31st.
I am new here as well and hunt mostly MN. Thank you for your service and good luck with your new adventures. I am recently retired and also in mid-life crisis, except I am 58 years old. :) I fish walleyes in MN and Ontario, hunt deer and grouse in MN and Elk in MT. Just started hunting Muleys in MT, but found I lacked some serious skills in stalking and shooting out past 300 yards. Workin on skills and equipment now. I am also a reloader when I can find inputs. Hope we can exchange some ideas some day. Enjoy!
After google searching things on Montana Spring bear hunting and this forum continually coming up I had to join. I am a huge whitetail hunter here in Wisconsin that is hitting my mid-life crisis early (turning 30 soon,) so I want to branch out and experience more adventures. Luckily, I have a few buddies who served with me in Afghanistan that are also seeking new opportunities. It seems like this forum covers a ton of different states and hunts. Hopefully I can contribute to anyone looking to Wisconsin for an opportunity.