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ND Game and Fish coming under fire for CWD Management


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2018
North Dakota
This might be happening in other states as well, I know "The Nuge" is leading a "CWD is a government conspiracy" charge, and that appears to be catching on here in ND. What's cause for concern is that now we have a well connected, former state legislator and current ND Farm Bureau President, Daryl Lies, who is (also a radio talk show host) advocating for completely disbanding the North Dakota Game and Fish over their CWD management and new baiting restrictions. Pay Attention folks, this upcoming legislative assembly is going to get messy.

Hear it from Daryl himself @ the 14 minute mark.
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It appears Daryl has also teamed up with some of the people running this FB page. This group has the ear of a legislator and word is they are drafting legislation that severely impact ND Game and Fish's authority to manage deer, if not completely remove power and place our game management in the hands of ND state legislature (as referenced in the audio link above).
It appears Daryl has also teamed up with some of the people running this FB page. This group has the ear of a legislator and word is they are drafting legislation that severely impact ND Game and Fish's authority to manage deer, if not completely remove power and place our game management in the hands of ND state legislature (as referenced in the audio link above).
Curious who the authority goes to then?

The post about hay bales makes since to me and since moving to MT where baiting is illegal from OH where baiting is legal is a question I’ve always had. Seems baiting in Montana is just more expensive and takes up more room. I wouldn’t bait here regardless as the hunting is different but seems weird that putting 50lb bag of corn out is baiting but leaving Tons of haystacks unprotected is not. Now that CWD is here in MT and still nothing has changed with these haystack feedings (supposedly not purposeful baiting) is a bit frustrating. Add to it this past February my wife had me call the game warden as people were shooting deer across the road. Turns out it was a game damage hunt because the deer (mule deer) were eating haystacks 🤦🏼‍♂️. So not only are haystacks not baiting, they allow you greater flexibility in your hunting season.
Curious who the authority goes to then?
Your guess is as good as mine.

The post about hay bales makes since to me and since moving to MT where baiting is illegal from OH where baiting is legal is a question I’ve always had. Seems baiting in Montana is just more expensive and takes up more room. I wouldn’t bait here regardless as the hunting is different but seems weird that putting 50lb bag of corn out is baiting but leaving Tons of haystacks unprotected is not. Now that CWD is here in MT and still nothing has changed with these haystack feedings (supposedly not purposeful baiting) is a bit frustrating. Add to it this past February my wife had me call the game warden as people were shooting deer across the road. Turns out it was a game damage hunt because the deer (mule deer) were eating haystacks 🤦🏼‍♂️. So not only are haystacks not baiting, they allow you greater flexibility in your hunting season.
The ND game and fish will pay for materials to erect permanent barriers around hay stacks if you (as a farmer/rancher) have deer problems. If it's too late in the season to put up permanant barriers (frozen ground/feet of snow), they will pay for temporary barriers to get you through winter.
The ND game and fish will pay for materials to erect permanent barriers around hay stacks if you (as a farmer/rancher) have deer problems. If it's too late in the season to put up permanant barriers (frozen ground/feet of snow), they will pay for temporary barriers to get you through winter.
That sounds logical. I think Montana does something similar, but I guess my point is it’s still up to the landowner and never heard of it being enforced so to speak. Likewise the game damage hunt should never been approved IMO until reasonable efforts to mitigate the haystack feeding were made.
That sounds logical. I think Montana does something similar, but I guess my point is it’s still up to the landowner and never heard of it being enforced so to speak. Likewise the game damage hunt should never been approved IMO until reasonable efforts to mitigate the haystack feeding were made.
If the the ND game and Fish was going around forcing land owners to put barriers up, it wouldn't go over well.
The ND game and fish will pay for materials to erect permanent barriers around hay stacks if you (as a farmer/rancher) have deer problems.
Like most they don't let anyone hunt but are the first to bitch when deer destroy property or eat cattle feed and want a handout and G&F to fix it
He may have seriously unlocked the CWD puzzle!
If we can just get the deer to go to the gym and take their vitamins...
All this hubbub over a pile of corn. You'd think someone was literally coming to take their guns away.
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He may have seriously unlocked the CWD puzzle!
If we can just get the deer to go to the gym and take their vitamins...
All this hubbub over a pile of corn. You'd think someone was literally coming to take their guns away.
How are they supposed to shoot any deer without corn?
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How is he supposed to shoot any deer without corn?
Baiting ethics argument aside, I find it funny that MN, SD, MT(every state around us) have baiting bans and shoot their deer just fine. But here, it's somehow a life or death issue. A violation of "rights". A "restriction of opportunity".

I wonder how much opportunity would be lost if CWD ends up wiping out significant portions of our deer herd? My guess is more than would be lost if baiting was not allowed.
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As a resident of ND who has baited deer most years for archery, I'm close to wanting a statewide ban. not for ethical or biological reasons, just to piss off all the whiners the baiting bans have created. I think the ND Game and Fish's reasoning for the bans is B.S, and CWD is their cover, but the reaction from so many hunters is ridiculous. Heavan forbid we have to take more time, learn to read sign better, learn trails, ect. When baiting, in most cases you still have to be in the right area, play the wind, ect. But obviously it makes hunting easier. It's just the whining and over reaction from the hunting community that's quickly changing my perspective on baiting in ND. I just wish the Game and Fish would say the real reason they want to ban baiting, because I don't think CWD is their reason.
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As a resident of ND who has baited deer most years for archery, I'm close to wanting a statewide ban. not for ethical or biological reasons, just to piss off all the whiners the baiting bans have created. I think the ND Game and Fish's reasoning for the bans is B.S, and CWD is their cover, but the reaction from so many hunters is ridiculous. Heavan forbid we have to take more time, learn to read sign better, learn trails, ect. When baiting, in most cases you still have to be in the right area, play the wind, ect. But obviously it makes hunting easier. It's just the whining and over reaction from the hunting community that's quickly changing my perspective on baiting in ND. I just wish the Game and Fish would say the real reason they want to ban baiting, because I don't think CWD is their reason.
As a resident of ND who has baited deer most years for archery, I'm close to wanting a statewide ban. not for ethical or biological reasons, just to piss off all the whiners the baiting bans have created. I think the ND Game and Fish's reasoning for the bans is B.S, and CWD is their cover, but the reaction from so many hunters is ridiculous. Heavan forbid we have to take more time, learn to read sign better, learn trails, ect. When baiting, in most cases you still have to be in the right area, play the wind, ect. But obviously it makes hunting easier. It's just the whining and over reaction from the hunting community that's quickly changing my perspective on baiting in ND. I just wish the Game and Fish would say the real reason they want to ban baiting, because I don't think CWD is their reason.
I’m fine with the ban if it’s statewide . But when the guy in the unit over gets to put out 200 bushels of corn and get his buck and then we can’t in the neighbor unit how’s that fair - but I’m with you I’d like to see it go permanent bam statewide
I’m fine with the ban if it’s statewide . But when the guy in the unit over gets to put out 200 bushels of corn and get his buck and then we can’t in the neighbor unit how’s that fair - but I’m with you I’d like to see it go permanent bam statewide
ya you have to laugh when it's legal to bait on the east side of the road, but not the west, as you watch deer run back and forth over the road.
As a resident of ND who has baited deer most years for archery, I'm close to wanting a statewide ban. not for ethical or biological reasons, just to piss off all the whiners the baiting bans have created. I think the ND Game and Fish's reasoning for the bans is B.S, and CWD is their cover, but the reaction from so many hunters is ridiculous. Heavan forbid we have to take more time, learn to read sign better, learn trails, ect. When baiting, in most cases you still have to be in the right area, play the wind, ect. But obviously it makes hunting easier. It's just the whining and over reaction from the hunting community that's quickly changing my perspective on baiting in ND. I just wish the Game and Fish would say the real reason they want to ban baiting, because I don't think CWD is their reason.
What do you think their reason for wanting baiting bans is?
What do you think their reason for wanting baiting bans is?
I think they believe it's unethical. Which if that's their perspective, fine. Just tell us. just had a conversation with my dad the other day and he mentioned attending an advisory meeting years ago, before CWD was as prevalent. He couldn't remember the exact year, but it was over 20 years ago. the main push from the game and fish representatives was a baiting ban, but they didn't get into many specific's for wanting it. just one example, but i think this has been on the game and fish's agenda for many years