PEAX Equipment

My Alberta Moosie hunt


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Lynnwood, WA.

I figured since this section is a little "slow" maybe I should throw up a few pics from my Moose hunt this past September.

My father-in-law and I went the Northern Alberta for my first Moose hunt. Both of our expectations were pretty high. His was anything in the 60's, mine more like anything in the 50's.

Well we saw one 60" Moose the first morning, (no pic, only video) but the stupid thing came straight off a hill and swam across the lake towards us only to catch wind and take off.

Did not see a moose, smell a moose, hear a moose....there a moose everywhere a moose moose....for eight more days! Finally on the eighth morning of a 10 day hunt, I had all but conceeded to the fact that I wasn't gonna get a Moose on this trip. I think I was enjoying a nice cup of lake water, (we ran out of water on day 5 :BLEEP: ) and trying to slit my wrists with my butter knife after making my 213th peanut butter and jelly sandwich when we finally called a bull in. I didn't even care how big he was, when he gave me the shot I stuck one behind the ear and he dropped like a sack of shiiii!


Was very lucky to have this little slew going through the weeds and was able to get the boat to with in about 20' of the Moose. That would've sucked! Eight hours of butchering and 3 trips across the lake we were done!


Next morning day 9 believe it or not we called this one out of the wood works and my father-in-law was able to get him. He was not gonna let this guy swim across the lake. :D


Another 8 hours and we were back in camp packin' our gear and waitin' for the plane in the morning.


Extremely mentaly challenging hunt! Over came a lot of obsticles. They were not the "size" we set out for, but absolutely could not have been happier with both of them.
This is our actual drinking water. Don't know what anybody was thinking only bringing 5gl. of water for three guys for 10 days. We didn't bring anything else as we were worried about weight. Idiots! Anyway.....doesn't it looked tasty?

Not really sure what was going here, but I can only imagine that I was trying to keep the Moosie quiet as we all know can be very difficult to do. Even when he's down and out his tounges' still floppin' around. ;)

Muleyslyr said:
This is our actual drinking water. Don't know what anybody was thinking only bringing 5gl. of water for three guys for 10 days. We didn't bring anything else as we were worried about weight. Idiots! Anyway.....doesn't it looked tasty?

Congrats on the hunt. Looks like fun dealing with those beasts in the water. On the drinking water: it looks better than the stuff we had the last day on Kodiak, although we did filter it.
Looks like a fun trip. Who did you hunt with? Did you supply the PB&J's or was that in the brochure?

This is our actual drinking water..three guys for 10 days...doesn't it looked tasty?

Dude, are you sure you weren't drinking out of the piss jug?
Only in Maryland would someone actually piss in a jug while on stand...

Bambi, why the hostilities towards us crab eaters?
we welcome you to our fine state and you slam us every chance you get.
just where do you come from and do they all have bad manners of the like? :D
JB....I've never actually tasted piss before butt If I did I'm sure it would taste alot like that.

We actually ate pretty good....steaks, pork chops, lots of potatoes and carrots. But during the days it was either PB&J or there was alot of salami's and cheeses' but you can only eat so much of that too.

Ok so get this.....we cape both of the heads and cut the horns off that night, our last. We salt the hides and pack the antlers all nice and neat right. So the next day, the day we are leaving, I say to the guide, (have to have one when hunting out of Province), but didn't need one. Anyway, I say "what are we gonna do with the skulls?" You know half a brain stickin' out and everything. He says will throw em' the boat and take em' across the lake. We literally get half way across the 200yd lake and he says, "Aaa, this is good." So we chuck the heads into the same lake we've been drinking outta for the last 5 days. Man, was I glad we were leaving.
JB said:
Bambi, why the hostilities towards us crab eaters?
we welcome you to our fine state and you slam us every chance you get.
just where do you come from and do they all have bad manners of the like? :D

LOL I figured it would get a rise out of ya. So do you perfer a Motts Grape Juice jug or the 'ol standby' Gatorade?

Pissing in a jug is one thing, but 90% of the inbreeds leave the trash in the woods when they'er done 'keeping the area scent free'...

Sorry for the hijack...

I actually perfer my water with a little moose brain.
but 90% of the inbreeds leave the trash in the woods when they'er done 'keeping the area scent free'...

cant argue with that, it's those damned out-of-stater's doing it, they dont have any respect.

So do you perfer a Motts Grape Juice jug or the 'ol standby' Gatorade?

i was using the Motts apple juice bottle's until i got mixed up and drank out of the wrong one.(could be the same prob with the yellow gatorade)

Sorry for the hijack...
i'll second that.
congrats on a fine trophy.
great pics and story.
Way to stick with it. I love hunting, but 8 days of nothing would really take it's toll on me. Patience is not a virtue of mine. Glad things worked out so well for you and the FIL. I hope those bugs are on the outside of the jug.:D
Nice hunt and pics.

Instead of luggin around a water filter, take a bottle of crown with you and use the groundwater as a chaser. Kills two birds with one stone. Keeps you warm and purifies the water! :D

I hope one of daughters finds a guy who hunts moose and takes me along.
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