Caribou Gear

Missing hunter found. Makes you think.

The primary reason I carry the Zoleo during hunting season is for the SOS function. Dad took a tumble in Idaho several years ago, which thankfully turned out not be a big deal but could have been. We didn't have an SOS device then, and it shook me up enough now that I'll always have it just in case.
The primary reason I carry the Zoleo during hunting season is for the SOS function. Dad took a tumble in Idaho several years ago, which thankfully turned out not be a big deal but could have been. We didn't have an SOS device then, and it shook me up enough now that I'll always have it just in case.

There's about a 15% chance my InReach makes it into my pack on any given hunt. Need to work on that.
Does inreach or another gps work well with onX or another gps app? I'm a total newb when I comes to hunting GPS. I'm aware there's a subscription for garmin's sos/communication features.
Does inreach or another gps work well with onX or another gps app? I'm a total newb when I comes to hunting GPS. I'm aware there's a subscription for garmin's sos/communication features.
There is the Earthmate app for using with the InReach. Garmin doesn’t play with OnX.
As glamorous as it sounds to go out doing what you love, I think my family deserves a bit better than wondering if some raccoon didn’t just sh*t down my half skeletonized neck.

Makes me want to get an inReach even more.

Even packing my elk out this year through maybe 100 yards of really light deadfall, I was thinking, “damn if I fell right now I’d be hosed.” Was only a mile or so from the truck. But in a light wool shirt, no survival equipment, only a headlamp, definitely made me pay a bit more attention. Think those quick little, “I’ll be fine” trips are the ones that go south most often.
Where his truck was parked was not exactly nasty country. I have hunted there. I suspect the weather and/or some accident was what lead to his disappearance. Which makes the use of an InReach all the more important. I am hopeful that family gets full closure now.
An injury you survive but cannot move is the highest likely hood of going missing in the woods, which a satellite messenger can save you from. You can walk out on a busted ankle but a broken femur or hip and you're stuck there.

This hiker got lost but same idea. Was in a survivable situation but was never found.
Heartbreaking. To be that close to open air, a logging road, etc. You'd have thought she get a smoky fire going and have been found. To make it nearly a month and die anyways, terrible.
I always shake my head a bit at how many years/hunts I went without a PLB or InReach like device, because they were not available, too pricey, clunky, etc. I hunted solo a lot (still do) and would tell my wife where I was going and roughly what time on a certain day I would be back. If I had fallen or injured myself bad enough to not walk it out, I would have been bear food. I think a lot of us here could say that.

There is no excuse not to use one in this day and age. The price is reasonable for what you get, and being able to call for help is a huge benefit. I still hunt solo and reduce risks where I can, and most injuries won't kill you, but if you are left out overnight with a broken leg, etc. you might not survive the night, especially later in the season. The injuries that WILL kill you the SOS won't help...not enough time to call in the chopper if you tripped and ram a broadhead through your thigh if you don't get a TQ on fast enough or correctly. At least the SOS button will guide them to your soon to be cooling carcass. (I am a half full kind of guy, obviously...)

While its own topic, I have been carrying a paired down "trauma" kit to help reduce/stop serious bleeding along with my InReach. If me or a hunting buddy were to get a major cut/slice/puncture wound, I want to make sure I have what I need to attempt to get it stabilized for the cavalry ride out to a hospital. #Don'tDie
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