Late season is my favorite season

Chad Gus

Well-known member
Mar 18, 2013
Clark County WI
I've really grown to love late season bowhunting here in Wisconsin. 5 of the last 8 bucks I've killed bowhunting have come during the last 3 weeks of the season, here. Cold weather and snow really get the bucks up and moving during daylight, headed to food sources. There's been lots of snow and cold weather here, just like most of country, this past 10 days. Deer were feeding heavy in the corn and bean fields, on Friday i was able to get out and setup a ground blind. I don't climb trees anymore, since my accident, i got it tucked into a blow down tree, on a oak finger 100 yards off a cut corn field. Sat there Saturday afternoon and the buck i was after come in from the opposite direction i was expecting and caught my scent at 40 yards. Sunday was Christmas obligations so no hunting for me, had today off work(Monday) so i took the opportunity and went back to that blind. Didn't take long a small buck feeding though, followed shortly by 2 more small bucks. Soon after that 3 fawns, then 2 more skirted around me, shortly after that i seen another deer coming, slowly , very slowly. After 8 or 10 minutes i could finally see that it was a good buck, so i got myself ready, a few minutes later he was standing at 12 yards. 75 yards later he was laying dead. 10pt 19 inches wide about 180 pounds 20221224_154835.jpg20221226_214100.jpgb523b4e2-aa01-47a5-bea9-25fdf73cb9b8.jpg20221226_181222.jpg
Congrats! Deer are starting to shed up here which is a bit early. I always like it when they don’t start shedding till late January/February then you know they are in real good shape
Congrats! Deer are starting to shed up here which is a bit early. I always like it when they don’t start shedding till late January/February then you know they are in real good shape
Our property in southern IL. Had. Abuck shed both sides already the other day. They had a bad drought this summer Maybe that was a contributing factor..not sure.
Our property in southern IL. Had. Abuck shed both sides already the other day. They had a bad drought this summer Maybe that was a contributing factor..not sure.
We have some deep snow. It’s not terrible 12-15” and soft. If it stays soft we should be ok. We get some freezing rain and we will be in trouble. And it can quit snowing now and I wouldn’t complain about an early spring lol
Love hunting late season with a rifle when I can. If I had to I wouldn’t mind a late season Muzzleloader tag, but I’d avoid it until I have to again. If there’s snow on the ground for these late seasons, it’s just perfect!