Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Is the Kifaru Gun Bearer comfortable?

Definitely love mine, but I have to second this 100%. Doesn’t ride well at all with my side arm. Considered moving the pistol to the other side of hip belt and attach for cross draw. Other than that though, when not packing my pistol, it’s very comfortable and functional. Didn’t know if I’d like the under arm carry but it ended up fairly natural.
Why carry a sidearm when hunting big game? I don't get that. Just extra added weight and discomfort. Something unnecessary to worry about. Mind you, I always carried a handgun when elk hunting but it was a .22. If a grouse chose to stand around long enough for me to dig it out of my backpack, he'd be keeping it company in short order.
Why carry a sidearm when hunting big game? I don't get that. Just extra added weight and discomfort. Something unnecessary to worry about. Mind you, I always carried a handgun when elk hunting but it was a .22. If a grouse chose to stand around long enough for me to dig it out of my backpack, he'd be keeping it company in short order.
I don’t carry it always but the main reason is to have open options in Grizzly country. Bear Spray/Sidearm/Rifle. There’s a whole other thread on that topic though.
Yes, very comfortable. I carry it on my Bear-tooth 80 and my wife carries it on her Metcalf. One thing to be aware of is where the gun is rubbing. My gun spent several weeks this fall in the gun bearer. After awhile I noticed that a buckle from the pack was rubbing on the stock of the gun and wore off the finish in that spot. Something to be aware of.
Yes, very comfortable. I carry it on my Bear-tooth 80 and my wife carries it on her Metcalf. One thing to be aware of is where the gun is rubbing. My gun spent several weeks this fall in the gun bearer. After awhile I noticed that a buckle from the pack was rubbing on the stock of the gun and wore off the finish in that spot. Something to be aware of.
Thanks. Maybe a piece of mole skin would work on that spot of the rifle or on the buckle.
One thing I really like about my gunbearer is the fact I can see my gun and barrel. If I can’t see my gun I always seem to hit trees, rocks, etc with it and would much prefer not to.

Also, I nearly bought the stone glacier option but when they showed how to rotate your rifle around I thought “I will be dropping my gun a few times if I do that” so went with the gunbearer in addition to the reason above (SG you can’t see your rifle).
How in the blazes do you all get the rifle to keep from wanting to rotate 180 so scope isn't on the downside?

I like the gunbearer, but I tend to use it for packing the rifle in/out of the backcountry rather than as the quick access below the armpit method it is intended for. Part of that is because of my annoyance that the scope always wants to flip the rifle upside down.
I had the same issues and decided to just let it rotate to scope down instead of fighting it. Still works great and is very secure in that position, FWIW

Noticed this on some of the media guys videos, think Randy's crew were some of them.
How in the blazes do you all get the rifle to keep from wanting to rotate 180 so scope isn't on the downside?

I like the gunbearer, but I tend to use it for packing the rifle in/out of the backcountry rather than as the quick access below the armpit method it is intended for. Part of that is because of my annoyance that the scope always wants to flip the rifle upside down.
When I set mine up I made sure to have the upper attachment on the barrel and stock. If I cinch it tight and make sure it is around the barrel and stock I have had no issues with rotation. I am also taller so that may play into how it rides as well.
Get this. It is a game-changer. Sooooo much better than having the rifle in front of your face. I don’t know how this company hasn’t blown up. This system is fantastic.

Can you use this with the Kifaru strap as well? like use the same butt stock holder and either have in front with Kifaru or in back with Slik Sling?
First 10 years or so were great but the last few it has given me some hip discomfort. Perhaps due to aging? Not sure but it definitely has me looking at other options. Have always run it on a Kifaru frame.
I've used mine for several seasons now and I love it. However, I'm thinking about changing the quick release snap for a quick release buckle. The quick release snap is wearing out. I let my scope ride in the down position because thats the easiest way to carry my rifle without wrestling with it. I love how it allows my hands to remain free. I had to get use to the barrel being right there practically in my face, but now I don't mind it so much. I haven't tried any of the other quick release backpack carriers because I don't have the flexibility to reach around being me. My Kifaru Gun Bearer keeps every quick and handy.
I have the Mystery Ranch Metcalf and want a different way to carry my rifle besides using one of the side pockets. Is it comfortable under the arm?
Have the same setup as you and, yes, the kifaru does a pretty fair job. No complaints from me.
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