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Hunt Talker 2023 Fitness Goals


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
Two days into the rising sun
Post them here and be heard!

I am joining one of those “weight loss challenges” at work which I see as a good motivator to burn off some of that leftover turkey, ham, and cheesecake from the holidays and start getting ready for next season. I thought it would be doubly motivating to put this goal out there on the forum and come back periodically to update (or to be mocked in my failure, 🤣).

So currently I am at 210 lbs, a little soft in the middle lately, and am targeting a fighting weight of 185-189 in 3 months.

After that, I’ll probably want to maintain weight and set a different fitness goal and then after that maintain weight and fitness and add a strengthening goal. Nothing fancy, just basic good stuff which gets me ready for September.

So please post your own goals as reference point, and return now and then to update progress so we can all support one another in meeting them.

Happy New Year!
glad to see someone started one of these!

And at the risk of exposing my chubby ass, my goals are the following for the entirety of 2023:

1. Drop 40-50 lbs
2. 365 outside activities for the year
3. 2100 (half my age x 100) total miles over all activities (hiking, biking, backcountry skiing, etc)
4. Complete the boulder skyline traverse 2x this summer; once each direction
5. Spend at least 4 summer weekends scouting, hopefully with some other HTers
I started playing squash again recently which makes a person fit real fast. Thankfully there's a group of folks here in Missoula that play pretty regularly. I'd guess my main fitness goal is to get good at the game again and keep getting better.

Could probably stand to start picking up heavy things again as well. Hard for me to take weight lifting seriously in fair weather months when I could be out fishing or something after work instead of going to the gym 3x a week.
I want to gain about 15 pounds. For most of my adult years I ran around between 210 and 220, but a few years of grad school and two rounds of nasty illness last year got me down to a low of 180 pounds. About 187-188 right now. Of all the weights I've been I feel best between 195-205, so I want to get back there but w/ more muscle added than fat.
I’ve got a few…

1. Continue working on the ACL leg. Feels like I’m at about 80% strength, maybe 80% balance on that side. Work on those and agility while keeping pains and swelling at acceptable levels.

2. Drop about 10 lbs that crept in between reduced activity and holidays.

3. Improve/maintain cardio I lost. It’s not bad but I have a bit to go.

4. Add some mobility work. I’ve noticed more stiffness since my activity has been reduced. Want to be proactive in getting ahead of that as I get older.
I'd like to continue the trend I've been on the last couple years. Currently on the last hole on my belts, would love to drop a pant size by 2024. Below 200 would be a big win. Gonna be tough as I switch back to more welding and less construction work though, a lot more stationary work.
I'm getting pressured into signing up for the Telluride mountain run 40 miler in August, pretty sure I could finish in the shape I'm in today but it wouldn't be fun, goal is to have it be a casual outing...

In the more immediate future my goal is to wrap up some really hard climbing routes I'm just at the edge of being strong enough to do, and placing top 8 in the elite mixed comp at the ouray ice fest...
Following, and I’m in.

First goal is to lose 20 lbs. I recently went from the guy that can eat anything with no consequences to being the guy that weight sticks to. Need to get back down to my fighting weight of 205 - 210.

I also need to be in better overall shape - as in strength AND cardio. I’ve got an appointment with a trainer at the Y to teach me more full body and functional movement type work outs. All I know about weight training I learned in the 90’s - bench, incline, bi, tri, lat pull down - 4 sets of 5. That’s it. I’m looking forward to learning something different. Helps that when discussing goals with my trainer and I mentioned elk season, she instantly went to “oh so we’ll do weighted vest stuff on the stair climber.”

So there it is, that’s my 2023 fitness goals.
glad to see someone started one of these!

And at the risk of exposing my chubby ass, my goals are the following for the entirety of 2023:

1. Drop 40-50 lbs
2. 365 outside activities for the year
3. 2100 (half my age x 100) total miles over all activities (hiking, biking, backcountry skiing, etc)
4. Complete the boulder skyline traverse 2x this summer; once each direction
5. Spend at least 4 summer weekends scouting, hopefully with some other HTers
I'm stealing this...copy/paste but cut Boulder and replace with a 2 peak bag trips
Every fall I find myself, drinking too much, eating too many cookies, and not working out except for a weekend chukar hunt. Then I struggle with the pack for the first 3 months in the spring once it warms a bit and the sun actually shines (we live in the epicenter for inversions...25-30 deg all day, low clouds.). This year was the same, except maybe even worse. I need to commit to working out 3 days a week, and actually working hard when I'm working out, not coasting like I can in late summer/fall.
I would like to maintain at around 188 lbs. Just a little soft above the belt but not unusual after the holidays. I need to get out more with the dogs. "Puppy" may be having a health crisis so that may change my plans. See what the vet says tomorrow a.m. I am almost certain it's the same cancer that took out my last Lab Opal. Anxiety can do a number on an appetite. Hope I won't be losing weight that way.
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