Caribou Gear

HTer Fitness Goals '24 Edition

  • Thread starter Deleted member 52098
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Deleted member 52098

Alright... let's get this thread going.

I have a lot of goals, but the big three are to 1) lift more, 2) get down to the 210s / 220s and 3) ensure that my body is never the weakest link on any hunt.

I've got three (edit 4; thanks @TOGIE) big events prior to hunting season: a trail running stage race in March, a 25 mile vert race in May, a 50k in June and a short mountain triathlon in June.

Other goals are to hopefully spend a few weekend scoutning (🤞 for WY, ID, or NM) and to take the little one backpacking for the first time.

Otherwise, just live a more active life; let work and family get in the way in 2023 and that is on me.
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4 weeks post op from TKR today. Working hard on recovery, then plan to hit the gym. As of this coming Friday will be retired. The goal I've set is to be in the best physical shape I've ever been in on my 55th birthday in August.
Having helped rehabbed both of my parents through TKR on both knees, I can pass along this one piece of advice they both wished they would have followed: continue with the rehab exercises that help with ROM well after rehab is over. My dad is pretty active and he still wishes he would have done those exercises on the regular
I am going to get serious about getting back in shape this year as well. Starting weight is 245lbs which is already down from my all time high of 260 back in March of 2023.

I have been very sporadic in my running and still haven't sorted out my commitment but it will be at least 3 days a week but probably should do at least 4 days a week. I really need to get back to the old standard of being able to run 6 miles in an hour which is what my goal was when I very first started running 12 years ago.

I'm also going to commit to doing some body weight exercises at least 3 days a week. As much as I hate them, the dreaded burpee is really a great all around strength and conditioning exercise and I need to work those into my routine as well as some others. Might throw in some free weights too.

Lofty goals but I really need to get going as I'm getting older and fatter by the minute.
Physical: Lift/Functional Strength Training 3X a week and Cardio 2-3x a week. Goal is to get down to 205 (at 230) or just be at a weight where I feel I can perform better across the board
Mental: Do a solo backpacking overnight trip
Spiritual: Complete the "Annual Read" my church puts out which is a daily devotional of sorts

Edit: For those of you who travel alot for work, I have found @MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab Minimal Gear workouts to be awesome and workable in any hotel gym.
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@trb and i have unfinished business on hiking a couple peaks.

i'm gonna revise last years goal to 3 total peaks.

this years goal is more diet related and to just work on feeling really healthy again. i've really let myself slip on maintaining a whole foods, no processed foods, zero processed sugar diet.

fitness, doing well in that dept and i intend to maintain it. continue with 5-6 days a week of 20-30 minutes cardio and 30-40 minutes of lifting a day. squats almost every day.

should probably do another trail race in 2024.

weight? just stay the course. i like hanging out in the 180 range.
@TOGIE How does one do squats almost every day? Seriously, just curious, I'd die if i tried that lol

just don't do a ton of weight. shoot for reps. you can do squats every day if you don't go hard every time you do them.

for me it's really 5 days a week since i don't have a cage at home and i much prefer caged bar bell back squats.

4 sets of 10, one warm up set, and three heavier sets. for me that usually means like a warm up at 95 to 100 lbs and then my final three sets usually in the 150-160 range. occassionally i'll really load up that 3rd set closer to 200 to see what i can do.

but i'm very leery of bulking too much, so i try to refrain from ever loading up on too much of anything and just focus on maintaining good bodily strength.

my typical daily workout is 20 minutes of stair climber, 10 minutes of barbell back squats, and 30 minutes of lifting that obviously rotates between muscle groups. the home gym workout is 10 minutes of treadmill running, 10 minutes of lifting, 10 minutes of treadmill runinng, 10 minutes of lifting, 10 minutes of treadmill running.
Be more consistent and less off/on with my fitness. I’d call last year for me good not great. I need to work on my legs and knees for stability also. Some of my knee issues have popped back up in the last couple weeks so I need to address that
At 41 I want to keep active for my wife and my boys (12 and 9). Got to set a good example right? I want to stay competitive with the young guns roping calves at the NRA rodeos. I am also going to try and get into a 100-miler in Colorado in July. Speed, power, and endurance will be my themes for 2024!

Keep charging ahead everyone!
From now until mid June I’m hunting a lot (mainly high country deer and tahr) and will swim, bike and run to keep the fitness base from 2023. Although having covid has slowed me down over the last couple of weeks but the body is getting a rest! From June will get back into training for an event, either another half Ironman or the New Zealnd coast to coast adventure race. Or both.
Steel toe and finger injections… 🤷‍♂️

But in all reality I want to do some light strength training on my days off. Probably just body weight exercises and balance. Want to just focus on the stabilizer muscles and keeping everything primed considering I am pretty hard on my body year round. Need to strengthen my forearms for work and have looked into some rice bucket training. Need to keep my radial from displacing anymore with all the aerial chainsaw use.

First order of business is getting the left knee back to 100 though. The hyper extension with 80lb pack on my first hunt this year is still bothering me a bit. Didn’t stop me from 3 more hunts, working, or competing but I have the Rocky Mountain Tree Climbing Championship title to depend and determined not to lose the jazzercise bet.
I had my medical a few weeks ago, it confirmed what I already knew... I'm in the worst shape of my life.

Goals: Drop 30lbs and get my BP down to good numbers.
Strategy: Run or bike 5 times a week, lift 3 times a week
Less fast food (hard to do during travel hockey season, but it's achievable).
Goals for me are pretty similar to last year:
1: Podium at the UIAA ice climbing continental cup, which happens to be in Ouray this year, I came close enough to taste it last year, I've been training 5x a week for the last three months to do all I can to make sure I'm ready...
2: Alpine climbing adventure in March/April, many irons in the fire, whatever best lines up with weather and partners.
3: Telluride Mountain Run 40 Miler in August, DNF this year, need to clean that up...
4: Multiple elk hunts, assuming I can get tags...
in addition to that I'd like to do more trail miles and vert than this year, if I can avoid injury that shouldn't be too hard, I essentially sat out a month this summer...

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