Hard Questions for Mr. Newberg About Fouled Moose Kill, Season 8, Episode 1


Jun 22, 2019
Mr. Newberg -

We were disappointed with your 470+ yard, unethical shot at a Bull Moose in BC in Season 8, Episode 1 of Fresh Tracks - and have some hard questions for you:

When you shot the moose at the end of this episode, you admit that the shooting conditions were "bad" and that they bull was "way, way out there" at 470+ yards. Yet you took, by our count, 5 shots, including one that hit the animal's antlers. Clearly, this moose was outside of your ethical shooting range and this "messy" kill was hard to watch.

So why did you take the shot?

Based on your comments after the kill, it's clear that you had some remorse.

In hindsight, do you regret taking the shot and if you had to do it again, would you shoot?

Did the pressure to create content for your TV show cause you to take an unethical shot?

Anti-hunters can now take your actions from this episode and use it against hunting. Anti-hunters can easily make the argument that if a celebrity, experienced, professional hunter like Randy Newberg will readily take an unethical shot, what does that say about the average Joe hunter with less experience?

Given what happened, why did you not cut this this unethical shot and messy kill from episode 1 footage?

Certainly your team could have edited the video to leave the moose kill out and not hand anti-hunting footage to the anti-hunting movement.

- Rob Shaul
I would take a 470 yard shot if a solid rest when have a moose-size set of vitals in the scope. I have hit everything I have shot at at over 400 yards which is two animals, pronghorn and Coues deer. Never felt my shots were less than fully ethical and the vitals are smaller on those animals compared to a moose. I had no pressure to create content though have the deer shot on film so maybe a slight correlation as I squeezed the trigger. Boom. Flop.
Mr. Newberg -

We were disappointed with your 470+ yard, unethical shot at a Bull Moose in BC in Season 8, Episode 1 of Fresh Tracks - and have some hard questions for you:

When you shot the moose at the end of this episode, you admit that the shooting conditions were "bad" and that they bull was "way, way out there" at 470+ yards. Yet you took, by our count, 5 shots, including one that hit the animal's antlers. Clearly, this moose was outside of your ethical shooting range and this "messy" kill was hard to watch.

So why did you take the shot?

Based on your comments after the kill, it's clear that you had some remorse.

In hindsight, do you regret taking the shot and if you had to do it again, would you shoot?

Did the pressure to create content for your TV show cause you to take an unethical shot?

Anti-hunters can now take your actions from this episode and use it against hunting. Anti-hunters can easily make the argument that if a celebrity, experienced, professional hunter like Randy Newberg will readily take an unethical shot, what does that say about the average Joe hunter with less experience?

Given what happened, why did you not cut this this unethical shot and messy kill from episode 1 footage?

Certainly your team could have edited the video to leave the moose kill out and not hand anti-hunting footage to the anti-hunting movement.

- Rob Shaul
Why are you such a piece of 💩. Re watch the video…
The bull made an appearance at 470 and then moved across the hill. Shots followed after the bull had moved. Shot one was lethal, single lung. Randy took the follow up shots to finish it off ASAP.

And who is this “we”. We watched the whole video and saw what happened. You cherry picked a couple seconds and then tried to cause issues like all your other posts. You should have signed it with all your friends names so we knew the “we.”
@Big Fin doesn't owe you anything but I bet he comes in and answers your questions, simply because that's the kind of man he is.

As for me, I've seen enough of the Rob Shaul @mtnprst clown show already to know there isn't much reason to stick around for this one. Even though I will admit I thought you were gone Rob, guess it just took a few weeks to cook up a new get-yourself-banned strategy. Good luck with the trolling buddy.
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I dont think that 470 yards is unethical if you are practiced and effective at that distance. Was Randys shot unethical? I dont really know. Right now I am comfortable out to 500 and I would take a shot at that distance given I had a good rest and could steady.
Having said that I also believe if Randy is putting himself in the public eye like he has he needs to be prepared for hard questions. That is just part of being in leadership. If a person starts a forum they should understand that not everone will share the same opinions as them. Yes the forum owner has the right to ban anyone that disagrees with them I suppose but that is cowardice to do so. That seems to be part of the cancel culture mentality, just discredit and do away with those that can think for themselves or have a different view. I have noticed on this forum that Randy can make a basic post and get many likes simply because Randy is the cool kid in class and this is his forum. Whereas if someone else made the same post it would not get near as many likes because it wasn't Randys post. I appreciate everything Randy does for hunting and conservation but he placed himself in the position he is in and with that people will disagree with him and at times challenge him with questions. Randy needs to be willing to face the questions in a respectful manner without bullying his way through by banning those he doesnt agree with and without his supporters coming to his rescue for brownie points. I am not accusing Randy of any of the above mentioned possibilities I trust that Randy will handle this in a respectful fashion.
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