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Ethics of removing tree stands from public land


Well-known member
May 19, 2016
Lake Michigan
I’m interested to hear others opinions on this. Here in Michigan, after a certain date, they are considered litter. I just took a walk and found 3 ladder stands and 2 climbing sticks. No names on any of them which is also illegal. A couple have been there a while but most are from this past season. What’s everyone’s thoughts on pulling stands like this? I have mixed feelings about pulling them down. My biggest driver is just to keep from killing the tree.
Contact whichever governmental agency controls the area and see if the local warden/ranger knows about them. If they didn't know about them, offer to send them the GPS pins for them to try and catch the owner hunting in them this season to write them tickets. If they did know about them, ask if they have plans/means for removal and if they need your assistance.

I'd also ask the recommended means for disposal, by that I mean keeping them vs discarding them. Things get a little fuzzy in my eyes if you plan on keeping them without the blessing of law enforcement. If it were an illegally parked/abandoned truck instead of a tree stand would you feel comfortable laying claim to it and calling it your own?
Depends on how long they’ve been there. Around where I live, it seems like more times than not, when people put stands on public land they end up becoming permanent. I know people who have stands on public that they haven’t used in years. If the stand hasn’t been used in several years, I’d say it’s fair game.
Contact whichever governmental agency controls the area and see if the local warden/ranger knows about them. If they didn't know about them, offer to send them the GPS pins for them to try and catch the owner hunting in them this season to write them tickets. If they did know about them, ask if they have plans/means for removal and if they need your assistance.

I'd also ask the recommended means for disposal, by that I mean keeping them vs discarding them. Things get a little fuzzy in my eyes if you plan on keeping them without the blessing of law enforcement. If it were an illegally parked/abandoned truck instead of a tree stand would you feel comfortable laying claim to it and calling it your own?
I don't know about PA. But in Idaho you can file a lien on an abandoned vehicle on your own property, but not anywhere else.

I watched a two seater ladder stand over a couple of season on a school section ear me and had this same conundrum. It was obviously not being used or maintained.

The state sold the timber and the loggers ended my quandry. Still wondering if that went home piled on top of a truck full of Stihls.
You cannot install permanent stands on public ground around here. A few years back I went thru the local hot spot and removed all the old wood stands. Didn't feel sorry for it either. They were probably more dangerous than effective. I have found hang on stands on a chunk of private that no one else that I know has permission on. I just leave a note on step asking if they know they are on private. Usually that works. People need to follow the rules. Period, it would be nice if maybe they read them and were aware.
If they are there when turkey season rolls around. I will haul at least a few of them out and toss them in the parking area for redistribution. The IDNR does not have the manpower to police for them, and they are choking trees, including some beautiful old white and burr oaks. I have no sympathy for the abandoning former owners. None.
Out of curiosity, I’ll give the local warden a call and see what their position is on this sort of thing. I’ve heard plenty of other people claim they’ve had the warden’s tell them to take the stands down but I’ll hear it for myself.
Think many states would consider it abandoned property. Finders keepers! If there's no name on it that's a pretty good indication that it's illegal (bait piles ..... etc)
If they are there when turkey season rolls around. I will haul at least a few of them out and toss them in the parking area for redistribution. The IDNR does not have the manpower to police for them, and they are choking trees, including some beautiful old white and burr oaks. I have no sympathy for the abandoning former owners. None.
Lot of them are nailed or screwed in to trees. Piercing the cambium layer of the tree opens it up to disease and insect infestation.
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Lot of them are nailed or screwed in to trees. Percing the cambium layer of the tree opens it up to disease.
Not the ones I see. they are chained, cabled, or strapped. The latter being the least damaging. I have some on my property from a former landowner that were nailed, but they are beyond concern. No one makes one today, at least not on public where I hang out.
I live in Michigan and had this conversation with the local conservation officer a few years ago. He wouldn't authorize removal, and didn't have the time to come out. I was advised that if I did take down a stand after season and it had no name/address & a warden happened upon me, I'd likely be ticketed for possession of unmarked stand after it was supposed to be gone. If I were contacted by a warden while removing a stand that had name/address and it wasn't mine, I would likely be ticketed for taking a stand that wasn't mine.

It's possible a different warden would give a different answer or that laes have changed recently. I decided it wasn't worth my concern and have learned to see-without-seeing these abandoned or left up stands.

I'd advice getting in writing from a CO if they authorize you to remove said stands.
Not the ones I see. they are chained, cabled, or strapped. The latter being the least damaging. I have some on my property from a former landowner that were nailed, but they are beyond concern. No one makes one today, at least not on public where I hang out.
Still see them here on public land ...... frequently.
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