Yeti GOBOX Collection

Elk Misadventures

Thanks for the write up! Cool country! I think you had same unit as my buddy and I told him to get out to the edge of the flats and guess what he didn't listen and stayed closer to the truck.🙄 didn't see anything but deer and a bear.
Hell of a write up. I was glued in to every new post. More importantly it addresses the importance of the experience and story, over the trophy/kill. It really makes me feel less bummed out as a new hunter who failed on his first elk run, but knowing I put in the work. Thank you!
Sounds like an incredible hunt. Bummer about your knee and how it all ended. Hope you don’t require surgery and can heal up in time to catch the PA whitetail rut
Thanks all for the well wishes! After talking to a few folks it's most likely a meniscus tear or something of the type. I know its nothing major. We'll see what the doctor says on Monday.

Regarding the trip as a whole, the phrase "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" comes to mind. Though, you live and you learn. Next time I won't make the same mistakes.
Great stuff. I hope you took a nap under the shade of that old decrepit water catchment. It's the best napping place I know of in that area.

Hope you get a chance to return.
Awesome story and great adventure. Hope the leg heals up so you can start training for next year!

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