PEAX Equipment

DIY Conspiracy Toolkit . . .


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Twin Cities
Using this toolkit you can generate a new conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes that can never be disproved. Have fun.

It is very clear to those who are not __(A)___ to see that __(B)__ was caused by ___(C)___ so that __(D)___.

Using the provided descriptions below to fill in the designated blanks:

(A) - a follower group of your choosing, such as, “sheeple”, “the clueless masses”, “dumbocrats”, “rinos”, “commies”, “facists”, “racists”, “mainstream media apologists”, “academic hacks”, “NRs”, etc. Make sure it is a group that the speaker can refer to while dripping in disdain.

(B) - an event or issue that gives the average person reasons to worry, such as, “9/11”, “SVB bank run”, “Bhengahzi”, “Ukraine War”, “land owner tags”, “vaccines”, “HIV”, “Trump’s win in 2016”, “Trumps loss in 2020”, “COVID”, “deflategate”, etc. These are best if they are complicated and nuanced events with a large number of potential root causes.

(C) - a person or group who has in the past been implicated in other conspiracy theories, such as, “bankers”, “the academic elite”, “Queen Elizabeth”, “the Knights Templar”, “the Freemasons“, “woke culture”, “fascists”, “Bill Gates”, “Trumpkin”, “the UN”, “Biden”, “military-industrial complex”, “AOC”, “Tom Brady”, etc. Any shadowy group from a Dan Brown novel or a recent US president is always a good choice. Let’s try to be original and leave the Jewish faith out of this.

(D) - the supposed benefit for the wrong-doer selected in D, such as, “triggering the great reset”, “lining the pockets of banks”, “moving us one step closer to the One World Government”, “eliminate the ____ race”, “Hillary can be president”, etc. The fuzzier/shadowy the better as it makes it harder to use real facts to rebut. Perceived necessary events/triggers from Revelations can always add a certain spice to the discussion.
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My favorite conspiracy of the day is that Finland does not exist. I am not making up the existence of this conspiracy - you can google it for details.
There is a series on Netflix that lays out a similar narrative for how autocrats come to power. I think it's called The Tyrants Playbook, or something similar. Offer simple solutions to complex problems by using a scapegoat, and you are the only one able to conquer said scapegoat, building your power.
There is a series on Netflix that lays out a similar narrative for how autocrats come to power. I think it's called The Tyrants Playbook, or something similar. Offer simple solutions to complex problems by using a scapegoat, and you are the only one able to conquer said scapegoat, building your power.

Bacon is the cause of all the world’s problems. I am the only one who can conquer bacon. Send me all the bacon and I will deliver you.
