Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Digi Camera or 35 MM

35mm,digi and video. Olympus 35mm, Sony digital and Sony digital video. Scooped Adobe Photoshop 7 and Adobe Preimuer off the internet, you can do that legally in Canada. Got an HP printer and can turn out as good a quality as any photo lab.
The reason I don't use high res. pictures is because I have a slow net connection in my part of WY, and my hard disk space on my computer. I have about 15 GB used up already on pictures, and quite a bit on music i stole from the music industry ;) .

As powderburn mentioned you can get a digital video camera and take pics with that. The quality isn't near as great but it will still work for most people. Here is a picture I took while videoing. It didn't come out that bad. I also took a few of this bull with film and it looks totally different, but that is with an expensive lens attached. I'll scan it and post it when I get time.


This bull was a lot closer when I videoed him:


I still like to use film for quality pictures, there still isn't a digital on the market that will match film. But for the recreational photographer a digital is probably best and most affordable in the long run for sure! I have 'em all and I love 'em all ;)

Sorry mtmiller, I didn't see your question until now. The link to my camera is in my first post, but it might not be the "beater" you're looking for to throw in your pack (although I do :D ). Yes, you can take as many pictures as you want without returning to the camera. It says the remote won't work from farther than 5m, although I haven't tried it. The remote also works the zoom lens, but I haven't found a situation where that would be useful. The remote is about the size of a stick of gum.

Here's the link:
Pentax Optio 555

Thanks Oak. I did a quick scan and it looks like a very good camera. The price might be a little out of my reach right now. The irony is that I am headed out the door in an hour to buy a bow for the same price. :D No excuses if I miss now. :eek:
like wyodeerhunter i got the canon rebel digital 6.3 and love it! i like taking pics but hated having to wait to see if i screwed up or not now i dont have to , i always capture the picture on the highest setting and resize from there and always carry another memory card! good luck!
I am now wanting a digital camera. THe new Nikon D series is digital SLR adn some of them can use the 35mm SLR lenses. I am drooling. Of course they are pretty steep.

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