Digi Camera or 35 MM

Digi all the way. Its the future, get on the bandwagon and learn to post pictures and make slideshow disks for the computor or dvd player.
Make a spare disk for relitives.
OK I like the option of Getting my film developed a cetain way...but I know its just a few years and they will be able to do that also.... I want a Cannon Rebel with all my features except a digi :D
35, but I would like to get a digital. Anyone know of one that can be used with a remote. I hate timers and Axl can't keep keep track of the timer either. ;)
Theres a cannon A-1 digital IIRC. Uses all the same lenses as the regular A-1. Cost around $2000.00 again IIRC. I had an AE-1 but she took that too. Now I have an HP digi. 2.3 megapix. I want to upgrade bad.
The 35mm will never be out to date. The quality of film is still superior for big pictures, digital can make really clear pics till about an 8x10 but thats about it.

I have a medium format camera which is a heavy bastard, and i have a 35 mm camera. I also have the new Canon EOS Rebel X Digital with the 6.3 megapixels and it uses interchangeable lens. Currently I have an 800mm lens on it, which also works on my 35mm camera (which is also a canon).

Outdoorschick, you will not be disappointed with that new Rebel X, I love it! Except the price, I got mine for a little over a 1000 bucks.

Here are a few pics I've taken with my digital Rebel X:




What i do with my cameras is I first take a picture with my digital and then take the lens off it and stick it on my 35mm and take pics from it. Whats really nice about the Canon Rebel X Digital is that if you get a good enough memory card you can hold about 150 high resolution images and around 300 medium resolution. All those pics above are taken with medium resolution.

Once again, If you want a digital with interchangable lens I would Defiently get the Canon Rebel X Digital.

Those are good pics WY, but I have a question. If you can get 150 high qualities, why wouldn't use the highest quality possible? I know you take lots of shots, but couldn't you delete the ones you don't like from the camera as you go? I would want to have the best quality shot when I get that opportunity of a lifetime. I am sure you have reasons, I am just curious and not very educated with digitals.

Thanks Oak. I am looking for an inexpensive one that I can just throw in the pack and not stress over it getting abused. What camera do you have an what is the pixelation (is that a word) :rolleyes: ? Also, does the camera take multiple remote shots, or do you have to set it before every shot? That is how my camcorder works an I hate it.
Caribou Gear

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