Cyanide guns!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
The commission is now talking about whether to allow the cyanide guns in "cases of game predation," otherwise known as doing what comes naturally, and Texas authorities are considering similar measures to kill coyotes. She asked what I thought of the idea.

I'm completely against cyanide guns. They're just more rancher crap.
Dang I gotta get me one of those :D
If they work well, and dont kill a bunch of other critters I see no problem.
Thats just wrong. If the lazy ranchers want the coyotes gone get out there and shoot them. I cant believe any hunter would support baiting them in and spraying cyanide down their throat. Then again I cant believe any hunter would support letting cattle graze on land until it is bare, or rip up wildlife areas with ATVs....
Potassium Cyanide is retained in soft tissue and can be passed to other critters who consume the flesh of dead animals. It's similar to 1099 which was discontinued becuase of the "periferal damage" caused by poisoned carcasses.

Why the hell would anyone even consider using something like that? If you want coyotes dead, hire a gov't hunter to kill them like they did 30 years ago.. Greenies be damned!

Yep, I don't like the things. Too much chance of killing a bird dog, or a protected, endangered animal. I know ranchers don't care about eagles, hawks, buzzards, raccoons, possums, ferets, weasels, etc., though.
Well I tell ya cyanide is lethal, used here for killing possums one of my best friends died from accidentally ingesting cyanide bait.

1099 dan ? is that like 1080 poison ? spread willy nilly here for "possum control" meant to be controlled drops , I found it once in a stream when I went to get water while Chamois hunting, a long way from any possum habitat, fuggin department of conservation wanknuts,don't let them get away with it guys. :mad:
I've been on ranches in Texas where the government trappers have signs up to watch for some kind of trap things like this. They set them here to get coyotes, bobcats, and lions. I don't know what's in them. One ranch I hunted on, the neighbor ranchers were mad at us, because we didn't have those out.
We only hunted the bobcats and lions, so those neighbor ranch owners thought we were harboring the predators that would come accross the fence and get their sheep and goats.
Kiwi, on this side of the pond it's the ranching wanknuts that are doing it. ;) Ok, it might be the Feds that this story is talking about, but it's because the alternative is to pay damages for predators killing livestock. What a crock. Really, can any of you think of something that's a bigger crock than the government paying predation claims for stock killed on government land? :rolleyes:

What makes the story that twisted bitch tells more entertaining, is the fact she interviewws some idiot, that not only killed his wifes precious pet with one, then goes on to hold the secret for years.

She's a freakin' bunny hugger.

And so is Ithica
I like to hug bunnies snow bunnies! That's why I lived in Steamboat Springs. :D

Hey Mule, I've been wondering who that outfitter you used for your goat is. Maybe he's one of the guys I helped get started in the outfitting business 25 years ago in Colorado. What's his name?

A topic of mine titled "Ithaca's Not a Hunter" got brought to the top of Fireside a few days ago, in case you missed it. It goes into some of my non hunting bunny hugging PETA loving history. :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-18-2002 20:04: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>

You are so predictable. I knew it was only a matter of time until you brought up my goat hunt. Really doubtful you got my guide started considering he was about 13 years old 25 years ago.

Yea I saw your pics. Some pretty nice animals.

But before you go spouting off again about how all your hunting is done with only your two feet for transport. You might want to photoshop that HORSE out of the pic of your bighorn.
I know for a fact that the game warden uses these in the Whitehall area...He also from what I understand from the rancher that I talked to, makes it a point to check the traps out very regularly and they are very effective in the control of coyotes in the area.
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