COVID-19 Links, facts and discussion. Politics and hyperbole welcome.

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
As the thread title states, please feel free to post any helpful links, personal stories of how this is affecting you, etc.

At this point it is safe to say that this is directly affecting each and every one of us, and isn't going away anytime soon. Like it or not, every single person in the world is on the same team on this one.

Absolutely no politics. Linking to government issued statements and actions are fine, but the second you politicize or mention a party name, you're out of the thread.

Some links that I have found helpful so far-

Mayo clinic Q&A podcast-

Flatten the curve-

Arstechnica blog-

Worldometer stat compilation-

John Hopkins Coronavirus center-

Also- at the end of this thread, when things are appearing to go back to normal, I will be arranging a bonfire somewhere in Western Montana. We will get drunk, as friends do, and burn our excess toilet paper. Anyone who contributes to this thread and doesnt break the above rules is welcome.
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I look forward to the discussion. @Randy11 - Just for clarification, is non-political humor welcome to lighten the mood from time to time, or "just the facts?"
This is a sobering thought - in Italy they have now moved from prioritizing ICU beds by "first come first serve" or "for the sickest" and switched to beds and respirators go to those most likely to survive. That means a sick 38-yr old with no preconditions gets priority over a sicker 70 year old smoker. I would hate to be the doctor/administrator that has to make these decisions.

Great idea @Randy11!

Kind of curious to hear how other people are faring out there, so I guess I’ll share from here. Other than the ridiculous lack of TP in small-town NE Montana, things seem fairly normal up here so far. I am kind of surprised that is even a thing here honestly. If it’s happening here, must be really bad elsewhere. There were even crates of bottled water piled in the aisles. Not sure what the threat to the water supply is.

I’m pretty hardy health wise, but Hunting Husband tends to get hit hard by respiratory things so that doesn’t give me the warm-fuzzies about this whole thing. Social distancing is easy here though, so I’m not overly worried. Rationally cautious I guess. I brought stuff home to telework, mostly because of the weather but also in case DOI issues some kind of directive. Trying to be prepared for whatever comes next.

Watching it blow and snow so had already planned to stay home this weekend anyway. No sports to watch and I refuse to watch any more news, so I’m improvising for entertainment.


And now I will probably peruse this thread and listen to some of the highly-recommended podcasts folks have posted. Speaking of, does anyone have a link to the Joe Rogan one someone posted in the other thread? Sounded like it might be informative, but I don’t want to go back in there. 😳
@Hunting Wife we are doing the same, staying home cooking corned beef and cabbage.

My folks are mad at us for not coming over to visit and make it there. No doubt if Dad contracted this it would be fatal. We already know the next time he gets pneumonia it is probably his last. There has already been cases near us so not knowing if we were exposed there is too much risk to visit them for me.

We stocked up yesterday for the kids being home and semi quarantined until April 13th when school is supposed to open back up. Big Grocery stores near us are a mad house, empty shelves and long lines. We went to a market in a very small town, population under 1000 and it was just as bad. Seems everyone is prepping for the worst with the cases that have already been found here.

I am starting my first retirement gig next week if the SoS is able to process my CDL. Tried all this last week and it has been a debacle. Finally on Friday she closed all branches to walk ins and went to a appointment only system. Hopefully my appointment on Tuesday holds up and I can start on Wednesday.

I feel bad for my Sister, she already has bronchitis and is a pharmacy tech at Walmart. She can’t afford to take time off and is being exposed to all types of sick folks buying up the OTC cold remedies.

To end this on the bright side, I got a premium parking spot downtown yesterday to drop off my final retirement uniforms for their last rounds of updates. First time I’ve ever been able to park in front of the Tailor’s.

@Randy11 there you go, that is how we are being effected. Thanks for starting this thread. The other one lost my interest on page 40 or so.
I am juggling the idea that I already have a sick premature niece and a Mom with preexisting health conditions with that of our own house and day to day lives, that basically isn't affected by this.

Not having day care for 6 weeks and trying to make a mortgage payment aren't easily reconciled.

I did wonder about the use of UV light for sanitizing. Any know about this?
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