Choose your Celebrity Governor

I'll take one of the younger Kardashians. Won't vote for anyone >65 yrs old and it looks like Caitlyn is 71.

Yeah but with all that Botox and other artificial shit they’re made of they could due in office and you wouldn’t even know till they started to stink 🙄
Montana is all about extremes. After what will likely be two terms of Greg from Jersey might as well swing to Rachel Maddow from Mass. ;)
In Minnesota we had Jesse "The Governor" Ventura. Looking back at it now, it is pretty amazing he won as a third party candidate. I can't imagine that happening again in this political landscape.

Bill Shatner.

He's got tons of management & administrative experience since he was a starship Captain & Admiral in Starfleet.

Tons of Law Enforcement experience due to his time on the mean streets of LA when he was TJ Hooker.

He's one of the finest legal minds that Boston has ever seen, and he's pro 2 a while caring about salmon.

He's a tremendous musical talent and his spoken word stuff if magical.

Bill Shatner. Whaddya got to lose?

He lived in CA for a bit. He was probably libertarian more so than liberal or conservative so I will say Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain.
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