NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Canadian Black Bear Kills Woman

Very sad about the loss.

In regards to your bear concerns,
Channel your inner Hulk, Pilgrim!
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I wouldn't let bear attacks get in your head while you are out there or you aren't going to have a very good time. Practice with your bear tools and enjoy yourself. You probably won't even see grizzly sign while you are out.
Somebody who regularly hunts the area where we will be said you have to be bear conscious 24/7. Enjoying the hunt by ignoring the risk of a bear attack is not where my head is at. Being on high alert for a possible bear encounter is part of the hunt that I accept as a risk of where we will be hunting.
Somebody who regularly hunts the area where we will be said you have to be bear conscious 24/7. Enjoying the hunt by ignoring the risk of a bear attack is not where my head is at. Being on high alert for a possible bear encounter is part of the hunt that I accept as a risk of where we will be hunting.
You need to be aware and prepared, but you will drive yourself crazy if you’re constantly worrying. Have fun and don’t psych yourself out too much.
Very sad story. My wife isn't too thrilled that I'm going north in two days for a 4 day backpack archery elk hunt.

I have faith in my Bear Spray, after all, that's all I'm legally allowed to bring...
I lived in prime Grizz country for a while. Be careful with cooking and cleanup your camp and you won't have problems. Also, a desperate black bear is probably more dangerous than the typical grizzly. I still carry bear spray and a big gun when appropriate and recommend others do the same.
You’re probably x1000 times more likely to be attacked by a domestic dog than a black bear, granted dogs are smaller and less likely to cause fatal injury to an adult human. I kind of wish the word “bear” wasn’t in black bear, because of how very different they are from polar bears and grizzlies in terms of temperament, aggression, habits, behavior, etc. People are injured by moose, elk, bison, etc too, yet they tend to be seen as harmless peaceful creatures because they’re not “bears.”
You’re probably x1000 times more likely to be attacked by a domestic dog than a black bear, granted dogs are smaller and less likely to cause fatal injury to an adult human. I kind of wish the word “bear” wasn’t in black bear, because of how very different they are from polar bears and grizzlies in terms of temperament, aggression, habits, behavior, etc. People are injured by moose, elk, bison, etc too, yet they tend to be seen as harmless peaceful creatures because they’re not “bears.”

Bears aren't changing, it's us humans who are changing. We expand OUR range deeper and deeper into bear country. The "bear aware" folks will never really be an issue as we've always roamed bear country, it's those who will do anything for a cool IG posts, FB pics or Snapchat stories, that are dangerous.

Bears are not cute and cuddly, just like moose, deer (and I'm guilty of hand feeding a wild deer), elk, etc. Wild animals are dangerous and there is a huge difference between a tame whitetail doe and a tame female black bear. One of them will give you a black eye, the other can open a window, climb in the house and kill you (yes, I know I'm exaggerating but not so much when you read the first article below).

There's this "culture" among Citiots (I say citiots because there are smart city dwellers and I don't know a single person who's lived in the country long enough who would want a bear close to the house) that animals are out of Disney movies and that it's Ok to mess with them and feed them, bringing them closer and closer to home. In the first article, they clearly say that people in the neighborhood were pressuring others NOT to report this bear. How f&cking disconnected from reality are you to advocate keeping a bear in a residential area with children then crying when it gets shot for walking up to a house and messing around with a window?!?

Saskatchewan is seeing an increase in "undesired encounters" with black bears. It started off with an estimated 2000 bears that weren't killed due to cancelled hunts, then we had a very hot/dry late summer which is now affecting wild berries and natural food source for bears. We're having MORE hungry bears with LESS food. I for one am going back on what I said last spring (that I wouldn't fill my 2nd bear tag after killing but losing a beautiful colour phase bear) and intend on filling my 2nd bear tag if I get the opportunity. I don't hate bears, I love them, but personally believe that Sask resident hunters should make an effort to hunt bears this fall if given the opportunity.

These two recent articles out of BC alone show just how stupid humans are:

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