Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Best Release for Beginner Archery (Compound Bow)

I just bought my first compound bow and got everything set up on it, now all I have to do is buy a release.. Just looking for some advice from more experienced archers on what style of release they would recommend for a beginner!? From what I have read I know feel is important, but is there a style of release that you would recommend me stay away from at first?? If you have suggestions or tips to help me I would love to hear them.. God bless!!
I just started shooting in January. My first release was a Spot Hog wrist release Shot almost everyday and never felt comfortable using it. now I shoot a Handheld thumb release also a Spot Hog and my confidence and accuracy have improved greatly. My two cents is if it doesn't feel right try something different!! Your release is to imporant not to have the right one. Good Luck in your new archery journey!
I'm old and had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands last year.
So my grip strength still isn't what it used to be.
Hence i like the ones that wrap around my wrist with the index finger trigger.
Although for some reason i like to use my middle finger on it. Just feels more natural to me.

All the releases i've ever had have been attached using velcro.
The one i've had & still use sometimes still holds fine after 35 years.

If hunting, one thing to watch is the size of your D loop!
When you get your release, nock an arrow & make sure you can clip your release easily.
I missed out on shooting a doe a few years ago because with an arrow nocked, i couldn't clip my release on after getting a new D loop put on.
Thank you for taking the time to give your valuable information.. I feel like a fish out of water getting into archery, I thought it was going to be easy and wow I am humbled. D loop being too big or small?
I shot a Scott little goose for a long time, probably 20+ years. Had an itch and wanted to try a hook; switched to a Spott Hogg Hogfather 6-7 years ago which is a great option too.

I practice with a back tension, but don't hunt with them.
Sorry for my elementary question but what do you mean when you say back tension?
I just started shooting in January. My first release was a Spot Hog wrist release Shot almost everyday and never felt comfortable using it. now I shoot a Handheld thumb release also a Spot Hog and my confidence and accuracy have improved greatly. My two cents is if it doesn't feel right try something different!! Your release is to imporant not to have the right one. Good Luck in your new archery journey!
Thanks for the tips man! I would love to buy a top of the line release in every release style, but as I quickly found out quality archery equipment is not cheap. I just got my bow and I bought a cheaper index release with a wrist strap and after shooting for a couple weeks I can't get comfortable with it. Would you recommend me to just go ahead and buy a quality top of the line thumb release or get a cheaper one to see if I like it? Or should I buy one on the cheaper side like I did with the index release? Just to make sure I like it before I spend a lot of money on a good one
Thank you for taking the time to give your valuable information.. I feel like a fish out of water getting into archery, I thought it was going to be easy and wow I am humbled. D loop being too big or small?
My D loop was too small.
Wasn't a problem with my practice nocks.
But the Nocturnals sit back further.
Deer standing there looking at me from 10 yards. And here i am trying like mad to get the bloody release on the D loop!

Shoulda just thrown the arrow at it!
I practice with a Nock-on Silverback (back tension release) then hunt with a Carter WiseChoice.

I turn into Tim Gillingham, but without the accuracy, after about 5 shots with a wrist rocket. Lots of people do great with them, just not for me.
No problem. I am talking about hinge and friction releases; which rely on the dynamic of back tension to set them off. For the purposes of where you are in your archery journey, they are a non-factor.
I might message you in a year or 2 about that release when I have somewhat of a clue what I am doing lol..
Thank you for taking the time to give your valuable information.. I feel like a fish out of water getting into archery, I thought it was going to be easy and wow I am humbled. D loop being too big or small?
I have two Spot Hog Wippersnapper thumb release's one is a three finger the other is a four finger they were a little over 100 bucks. you might find a bow shop that will let you try before you buy?! I like these cuz they are easy to use not alot of adjusting needed
I got into archery around 2015 and the proponents of thumb buttons made sense to me and I preferred the feel so that's what I use. Stan perfex has been my go to since they came out and I use the perfex backtension release for practicing. Warning - they don't give em away.
Is a thumb release usually more experienced hunters and a wrist strapped index release more for beginners?? Or is it just strictly a feel thing? I have read way too much into it lol
Not necessarily, whatever feels best and makes you a better shot. I prefer a wrist strap and have shot for 20 years.
Yes the goal is to hunt with it, but I know I have a long way to go before that. I will not hunt with it until I am 100% confident letting arrows fly at live game. Practicing with gloves on or off is something I would of never thought of, thank you for that.. What I have read I should stay away from the hinge release right? Just read it was for more advanced shooters. Would you say most beginners use wrist strap index release over the thumb release as well? Sorry I know my questions are elementary, I am pretty new into hunting in general but archery as you can tell I know little to nothing
It's all about practice. You can start on a thumb release just get some time shooting with it and you'll be fine
I'm going to necro this thread.
I set up my son for compound last week, it's his first go at archery.
PSE embark bow, Matthews HDX QAD, Retaliate 5 pin, and a few other trinkets. My question is regarding the release. I purchased a B3 Clash release (shop recommended) and it works fine for now. My question is regarding how light the trigger pull is. It feels like 1 or 2 ounces, is this safe, normal or reliable? That seems awfully soft considering how much pressure is against those tiny jaws.. is there a possibility of them popping open on the draw? I have zero knowledge on archery, and no desire to get started in it myself but would like to be somewhat informed about the products he's using. The shop I went to seemed genuinely interested in providing quality equipment, but at the end of the day they still have to sell what's on the shelf.
What says you about this release?
Thanks in advance 20230317_153305.jpg20230317_153254.jpg
I'm going to necro this thread.
I set up my son for compound last week, it's his first go at archery.
PSE embark bow, Matthews HDX QAD, Retaliate 5 pin, and a few other trinkets. My question is regarding the release. I purchased a B3 Clash release (shop recommended) and it works fine for now. My question is regarding how light the trigger pull is. It feels like 1 or 2 ounces, is this safe, normal or reliable? That seems awfully soft considering how much pressure is against those tiny jaws.. is there a possibility of them popping open on the draw? I have zero knowledge on archery, and no desire to get started in it myself but would like to be somewhat informed about the products he's using. The shop I went to seemed genuinely interested in providing quality equipment, but at the end of the day they still have to sell what's on the shelf.
What says you about this release?
Thanks in advance View attachment 268896View attachment 268898
Can't say I've shot that exact release but light triggers on wrist strap releases are the norm, trigger weight has pretty much nothing to do with if the jaws will randomly pop open, also depending on the release the trigger will probably firm up a bit with weight on it...
I run my wrist strap releases as light as they will go, it's hard enough to shoot well with a wrist strap, having to actually pull on the trigger to get it to go off only makes it harder.
I just bought my first compound bow and got everything set up on it, now all I have to do is buy a release.. Just looking for some advice from more experienced archers on what style of release they would recommend for a beginner!? From what I have read I know feel is important, but is there a style of release that you would recommend me stay away from at first?? If you have suggestions or tips to help me I would love to hear them.. God bless!!
I use a wrist strap release thumb release are great im just paranoid ill loose it

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