Caribou Gear

Arizona excursion 2023

Well I stalked to 16 yards of a really big coues. I could not find him in his bed for the life of me. I knew I was super close because I found my land marks. I scanned and scanned never saw him. Eventually he saw me and took off. He was right in front of me. Pretty deflated after that one.
Well I stalked to 16 yards of a really big coues. I could not find him in his bed for the life of me. I knew I was super close because I found my land marks. I scanned and scanned never saw him. Eventually he saw me and took off. He was right in front of me. Pretty deflated after that one.
Did you get any video footage of this, like a gopro on your head? THat would be cool....
Did you get any video footage of this, like a gopro on your head? THat would be cool....
No I have a gopro in my pack and I never remember it. Coues deer are hard enough without adding electronics to the situation anyways. I think I'm just gonna lay on this rock and mope for awhile.


Pic of buck I just had 16 yards. Not the best pic.
Brian was victim to the limb monster today on a small muley in the afternoon. In the morning they were houdini'd by a decent 4x4 I think. Jason was houdini'd by a nice 3x4 in the morning also. They blamed Steve cause he took his eyes off the buck to get a chocolate hostess donut, I blamed Tristen cause his wife made cookies for us but they mysteriously never made it to camp. If we had the cookies Steve would of never bought donuts and therefore he wouldn't of lost the deer in the binoculars. Either way nothing was harvested today.
Tomorrow is another day with a morning filled with hopes and dreams of fresh backstrap until 8am and the first stalk fails and your slammed back to earth with a thud.
Jason got buck and Brian got the javalina.
Deer was a roughly 2 hour stalk of Jason skidding across the ground on his butt for a long ways. Then he had to stop and shit half way and had no toilet paper so he cut the top of a game bag off and used that, then continued the stalk. Unique buck with a lot of mass all the way thru.
The javalina brian was watching a saddle in case jason blew the stalk and the deer ran that way and got him while waiting there.

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