Caribou Gear

3 new commissioners

Mr. Ragen is going to be anti hunting and anti fishing.
Ms. Rowland is likely in the same boat, but for tribal rights. I hope that because she lives in a very rural place that she's moderated a bit simply by knowing people who are different than the typical westsider.
Mr. Lehmkuhl may be an advocate. He's on our local land trust board. I tried to reach out to another land trust board member I know very well but haven't heard back. He at least claims to be a hunter.
Word on the street is that two weeks ago King Inslee didn't even have this on his radar, so even people in the "know" don't know where these selections came from.
I heard Lehmkuhl was a candidate a while ago so guessing somebody handed Inslee a list if it just hit his radar.
I heard Lehmkuhl was a candidate a while ago so guessing somebody handed Inslee a list if it just hit his radar.
true, but there are 1,000's of people on the main candidate list. I think the selections are quite political.
true, but there are 1,000's of people on the main candidate list. I think the selections are quite political.
Yeah good question, assume someone narrows it down for him, provide notes on each so he can make a final decision, Lehmkuhl didn't seem like a surprise so figure there's been some thought put in to it before 2 weeks ago. I have no idea for certain though.

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