Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

2005 Idaho Muley

Yeah I guess I should have elaborated a little huh. This was A great hunt, It started well before daylight on the Motorcycle heading up a trail somewhere near Nottellum ridge (I'm sure everyone has heard of it, right):) :) :) Anyway we rode a long way up this nasty trail trying to get up on the top of the ridge before daylight so that we could do our usual Hike and glass routine. My partner an I had split up in order to cover more ground. I hiked down a little way into a nearby monster Idaho canyon In order to get out of the fog that was laying on the tops, sat down and started glassing. I was picking apart the far canyon wall for about an hour or so and found absolutly nuttin. So I started looking a little closer to where I was and found this buck bedded tight in the brush. I looked him over for a half a second and really liked his mass so I put the stock on closed the distance to about 350 yards found a good rest and waited for him to get up. I really couldn't get any closer than that because I didn't want to get below him in case I had to move. When he finaly got up I put one through both lungs and he fell right back into his bed. Then he got up and ran down hill a ways and fell over for good. I was stoked. I dressed him out tied his head and horns to my day pack and headed back to camp for the pack board. That brutal down hill ride on my bike with half a deer on my back story, w'll save for another day. Overall a great hunt and a great day

Here is a pic of me heading out with the head gear


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