2004 MT bull


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I shot this bull out of a herd of about 30, there were 4 other bulls in the group, two others about like this one and two spikes. I was hunting with my brother, and thats always a good time.

The hunt was pretty fun, we spotted them about a mile away from us, the bulls were sparring and they were all just sort of spread out doing elk stuff. We really put a good sneak on them and had some easy shooting at about 120 yards.

I shot him with a 7mm Rem. BDL that my Dad won in a raffle, which he gave to me this summer. I was using 160 grain partitions and the rifle worked OK, but no better than a 30/06. The first shot was perfect, right behind the shoulder he never even acted hit, just started trotting broadside. I shot him again behind the shoulder and he went another 50 yards where his legs turned into rubber bands. I shot him one more time as I like to dispatch these things as quickly and humanely as possible. Overall I wasnt that impressed with the 7 mag on elk, it worked and thats all I have to say.

Anyway, heres the bull, the first 4-point I've ever shot.

BuzzH said:
The first shot was perfect, right behind the shoulder
Anyway, heres the bull, the first 4-point I've ever shot.

I wouldn`t expect any thing less from you Buzz

Thats what a dead elk looks like, in case you're wondering...

Pointer, yeah, its back to the 338 for elk, nothing I've ever shot them with does the job as well. I thought I'd at least give the 7 an honest try and I'm not impressed on elk.

Deer on the other hand....
buzz was the shot through the timber, running, through a hole the size of a playing card ?
Nice little Bull...I have to ask though how do you get so many tags? lucky draw
? over the counter?...You say thats your first 4 pt... have you shot other bulls in the past?.... And i agree with you putting him away as quickly as possible... i have shot them twice before [cows] even with a perfect shot with an 30-06... for elk i now go 7mm mag...

I've been lucky the last 3 years and have drawn a NR deer/elk combo license in Montana, its not over the counter. I can buy deer and elk over-the-counter here in Wyoming and buck antelope are 100% draw odds. Plus, you can also draw a second cow tag, 2 doe antelope tags, 2 antlerless deer tags here in Wyoming as well. We also have OTC spring and fall turkey tags too. I also drew a NR antlerless whitetail tag in Montana as well.

As far as elk go, I've killed cows, spikes, 5's, and 6's but never a 4 point.

Hopefully the draw gods will smile again next year.

Pointer, I do shoot a 338 in a winchester model 70, but a new model, oh how I wish it were a pre-64...

Nope, it wasnt the same trip.

I spent the first couple weekends of the Montana season chasing elk. We killed 3 bulls in 4 days.

The elk bagged on the deer trip was a cow.
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