Caribou Gear Tarp

YouTube Milestones

I think channels like You Tube are the future. I think cable as we now it will change or cease to exist. It is way more inexpensive to get and watch YouTube than pay for cable packages.
Keep doing what you're doing
I watch all my hunting shows on YouTube
Just hit 15,000 subscribers! Edging up towards 2,000,000 views.

This is so great to see. If you run the playbook it works.

Over 1B people every single day log onto You Tube and yet many many companies in the outdoor world continue to dump massive amounts of dollars into very marginal TV shows. It is honestly staggering to see how backwards this model is.

You Tube analytics, run by the support of Google are some of the most powerful pieces of data any company could get their hands on, yet they continue to lean on the networks and the trust of the old school Nielson rating system.

My buddy actually got a post card in the mail from Nielson that offered a crisp $1 dollar bill as an incentive to have a box connected to his cable box. LOL. What a joke of a system.

I'm a little biased towards digital and You Tube but it gets me excited to see how the tides change from a sponsorship standpoint over the next 36 months.

Good work again guys....very fun to watch.
Congratulations, growth seems to be accelerating. Curious if the beginner hunter playlist is still on the table for this year?
Congratulations, growth seems to be accelerating. Curious if the beginner hunter playlist is still on the table for this year?

Growth has really picked up recently. If we had been at our current rate all year, we'd be close to 4 million total year to date.

Beginner playlist is in the works. This is something we really want to get right, so it is taking time. We filmed some clips but we're still trying to figure out what exactly we want. I keep wanting to post a video series that is basically hunter's education 101 to serve as a high-level introduction for kids and new hunters and as a refresher for the rest of us.
You Tube analytics, run by the support of Google are some of the most powerful pieces of data any company could get their hands on, yet they continue to lean on the networks and the trust of the old school Nielson rating system.

I'm a little biased towards digital and You Tube but it gets me excited to see how the tides change from a sponsorship standpoint over the next 36 months.

I've been arguing against the Nielsen rating system for a long time. It is antiquated and marginally accurate, at best.

The thing with sponsors is that they speak Nielsen ratings. We have to speak their language to convince them about the value of YouTube. We are fortunate to have some sponsors that are smart enough to see the issues with TV-only and are helping support our digital endeavors.

Thanks for your support!
My first bow, bought in April, was a Bowtech. It has been fantastic! Thanks Bowtech and OYA/Fresh Tracks.
Sometime in the last week when I was in Utah, we blew through the 1.5 million view milestone. This thing is getting bigger by the day.

I wonder what all the experts will tell me at the next SHOT Show when I show up with an encyclopedia of analytics showing how we got more YouTube views in our first year than most any TV show gets in an entire year?

I'm not talking the "fuzzy" Nielson Ratings stuff, but real numbers. The ad agencies told me that nobody in the industry had good digital data and that it would be worth a small fortune to a show that could provide such. Yet, I doubt any small fortunes will come my way in Vegas next January when I am in those meetings.

We shot some really good YouTube clips while in Utah last week. A lot of more of them will be shot in the next months while we are out on the road. Excited to get some of those up on YouTube.

Thanks for all the support. I hope you will keep viewing and keep sharing.

Congratulations on the success, Big Fin. I can't get enough of your YouTube channel. I think I've watched close to every video you have on there, can't get enough of it. Keep up the good work! I've been doing my best to spread the word to friends who hunt in order to pass along the wealth of knowledge you provide.
The YouTube channel is awesome. I follow yours along with a few others very closely. I hope some the other good ones follow suit.
Growth has really picked up recently. If we had been at our current rate all year, we'd be close to 4 million total year to date.

Beginner playlist is in the works. This is something we really want to get right, so it is taking time. We filmed some clips but we're still trying to figure out what exactly we want. I keep wanting to post a video series that is basically hunter's education 101 to serve as a high-level introduction for kids and new hunters and as a refresher for the rest of us.

As a greenhorn big game hunter, I look forward to this playlist with much anticipation! I am excited to see what you guys include for content!
Pretty big milestone this morning - 2 million views and now over 16,000 subscribers. A popular TV show will get 2-3 million views per year, with all airings included, so I think this model is proving to be useful for reaching large audiences and very importantly, audiences that do not get TV packages and therefor are no reached via TV (where most video ad dollars are spent).

YT milestones.jpg

Thanks for the support. I hope you will keep watching and sharing with your friends.

When I go to SHOT Show this January with a deck of YouTube analytics that exceed what can be delivered on TV, it will be interesting to see the response from some of the ad agencies who kind of chuckled when they heard about our effort to do this.
I do not have a cable package so I am glad you follow this model. I really enjoy your show. You are the only show that hunts as "every hunter" USA does.
Congrats Randy! I truly enjoy watching your video's because you hunt like I do. Public ground and you don't pay an outfitter. Congrats again!!
While we mostly talk about the YouTube channel, the podcast has quietly been growing as well. 3 weeks in to the month and we've already set a new download record for our podcast. Included below is a quick snapshot of our daily downloads since we started this over a year ago. Thank you everyone for watching, listening to, and sharing our content!

libsyn graph.jpg
Well, we hit another one of our big milestones today; 25,000 subscribers. Originally that was our aggressive goal for the end of 2017. Then seeing how fast we were growing, we moved the 25K threshold up to March 1, 2017. And we beat that by seven weeks.


Thanks a ton for all your support.

And once again, the favor we ask is;
Please go to our YouTube page and subscribe. Link here -

(and if you have hunting friends who will enjoy online content like ours, please ask them to subscribe.)

We are editing out some full episodes that will be coming to YouTube in the next month, then adding a few more before TV episodes start airing this summer.

Those will be:

  • Alaska Bear Part 1
  • Alaska Bear Part 2
  • Utah archery mule deer
  • Wyoming bison

For filming in fall of 2017, our whiteboard has more YouTube episodes on the board than we have TV episodes. A trend I expect to continue.

Thanks again for all the support.
Please keep'm coming! We've ditched the cable/satellite bill and can't see going I get to re-watch whenever I want AND on my phone! Love the format, a show ACTUALLY about hunting and on public land. You represent hunters in a way that we all can be proud of, thanks for all you do!

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