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Your First Big Game Animal


This is the story its about 20 or 40 min walk we got to the spot I had the gun set up with the sticks that Meathead loaded me we set there for about 5 to 10 min then my dad said lets move so we moved 15 to 25 yd sat there for 30 min my dad got on his knees for a few mins then he said deer deer I became alert and the deer stopped behind some trees. all I could see was its chest about 4 mins later my dad ask me if he could shoot since he had a clear shot at it. I did not give a anwser. I keep asking my dad "is it still there?" He said He wasnt sure a couple of times. After what seemed forever The deer started moving. my dad knew it was not going to stop once it started across the road. He did a meep and stopped it at the edge of the road. I shot and it droppped where we waited about 15 mins befor we walked up to it and it was down and at frist we thought it was a we went to get darren to get the mule to get the deer and I tagged it. and my dad would not stop huging me.
Then we go back to the motel and mom comes out I tell her I didn't get a deer she said o well there is a next time. I just couldn't keep from my smile and told her to look in the truck that flipper got a doe she gets back there and see a buck and asked who got the buck I tell her I did boy I should of never told her it was my buck for she never stopped huggin me."

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-04-2004 17:45: Message edited by: TurkeyEye ]</font>
I can't find a picture of my first buck. It was a 4x4 muley. I think I was 14. It was a great 100 yard ass shot with a 30-30. Luckily he could not get up.

Here is my first bow kill. I think I was 16. Another ass shot, but it only went about 100 yards before it went down and I was able to finish the job.

The next fall I shot this one with a rifle. It was my first rifle whitey. What do you know, I heart shot one.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-04-2004 19:04: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
My first was a little 2 point muley when I was twelve. We had been elk hunting all weekend (and helped my cousin get a little spike whitetail, his first) anyways when we got back from elk hunting I grabbed my pellet gun and went to hunt birds behind our house. While up on the hill I noticed some deer beds and a rub all within about 50 yards of the house. I went back and told dad about it and we headed back up the hill with our rifles. Before long we found the little buck. At first I passed on him, but then decided he was a buck and he was bigger than my cousins so I decided I'd shoot him. It was actually one of the better shots I've ever made on an animal.
You should change your name to MTMULLET.

My first was a doe whitetail taken hunting by myself the first 30 minutes I ever hunted big game in 1982. I crawled on top of a large haystack and let a doe come to within 10 yards. I was damn excited and rushed home to get my dad. We drove out in the dark to load it up, and in the headlights saw a gigantic buck. Didn't get any photos of the doe.. too worried how to dress it. I had no clue.

Anyhow, I ended up with that buck's shed antlers, saw him the next summer and nailed him on the 3 day hunting season in October of 1983, my first buck, and to this date, the largest whitetail I've taken. He's 24" wide and has a gross score of 180 1/4.

I was late to school that day, but thankfully, the principle, superintendant, and my 8AM Biology teacher were guys that I hunted with.
To think you got your start with a doe...who woulda thunk? Can I assume it ranked pretty high in the record books too
That buck is the tits!
First big game animal was a 3x3 columbian blacktail deer taken with my 45 lb longbow and cedar arrows. I was 12 years old and grinning from ear to ear. Wish I had a picture, but I don't think portable cameras were around back then.

BOHNTR )))------------->
My first kill was a whitetail doe at 135 yds mith a muzzleloader but i have no pics

My first bow kill was this one at age 13

i heard someting moving behind me and i turned and about 25 yds behind me and down the hill about 30ft i saw a little 4 pointer walking and it wasn't a very big deer so i ddecided to let it pass by and then i saw that 7 pointer walking and it keeped walking so the only thing that i could do to stop it was whistle so did and he stoped and started looking around and so i drawed back as he watched me and i aimed toward where the lowest part behind the sholder i could see and let it go.I watched the arrow hit him and he turned and ran off toward the pond so i set there about 45 minutes and mikey b(My dads friend who took me hunting) came to my stand and i showed him where the deer was standing when i shot and i climbed down so we left our stands and bows there and started to follow the blood trail well we saw where he crashed a couple of times the we came to the hill before the pond and he was laying right there at the bottom of the hill. it looked like he only ran 30yds and the slide about another 20yds on top of that. and thats pretty much my story for this deer

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-22-2004 19:51: Message edited by: YoungRobinHood ]</font>
Mine was a fat forkie all of about 10-11 inches wide. I was 14 and was on my 3rd or 4th deer hunt in my local mountains close to my house. We were walking ridges and peeked over one that had 2 bucks and 5 or 6 does. I leveled the lever action 30-30 over a boulder and put the deer down instantly. It was a great day!

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