Wyoming Elk Planning with 11 Points as NR

I will say in the 6 years I’ve hunted it for cows I’ve learned a lot. I did make a handful of contacts. That has opened up opportunities Joe first year won’t likely get or figure out.

In Archery season getting an opportunity on a couple bulls is doable on public. I would say way better than OK. I’ve had more than a few time I wished I had a type 1 tag. The rifle opener changes that and I will concur with your assessment.

OP never set a criteria of a size of bull. So to get three bulls on a type 1 tag is a tall order no matter the unit at 11 points.
Just going out on a ragged, hairy limb, I would guess waiting for 11 years, spending a recommended by you $1950 on a tag, and burning all their points they weren't looking for spikes and rags.
Possibly a good idea, but not necessarily.

Depending on when the cow tags are valid and when your bull tag is valid it may not do you much good.

Won't be much value in hunting cows in a unit in December when you're planning on archery hunting bulls in the same unit in September, and vice versa.

Mature bulls post rut are a whole different animal than cows.

Best bet if you're truly looking to "scout" for a bull tag is to focus on scouting for your bull tag, not running around spending time trying to fill a cow tag.

I say skip the cow tags and get to your area a week before the season starts.
That is the case for us. The idea of getting cow tags is great but our main goal is to have a quality archery hunt so the only benefit would be getting to know the geography of an area at a different time of year and possibly a long ways from where we would end up hunting.

I have the luxury of having the entire season to hunt if needed so wherever we end up hunting I can go ahead of the kids and get a lot sorted out. It does make a lot of sense to not have 3 tags to try to fill in one season. Logistically the time spent packing meat would probably limit us to only filling a couple tags at best.

I do appreciate all input here. Obviously some opinions contradict others and you get what you pay for in free advice from people you don't know for the most part but it gives me something to think about. I've never gone on an out of state hunt and had it be a disappointment and I am confident we will develop a solid plan by the application deadline.

Thanks to all that have offered their thoughts!
That is the case for us. The idea of getting cow tags is great but our main goal is to have a quality archery hunt so the only benefit would be getting to know the geography of an area at a different time of year and possibly a long ways from where we would end up hunting.

I have the luxury of having the entire season to hunt if needed so wherever we end up hunting I can go ahead of the kids and get a lot sorted out. It does make a lot of sense to not have 3 tags to try to fill in one season. Logistically the time spent packing meat would probably limit us to only filling a couple tags at best.

I do appreciate all input here. Obviously some opinions contradict others and you get what you pay for in free advice from people you don't know for the most part but it gives me something to think about. I've never gone on an out of state hunt and had it be a disappointment and I am confident we will develop a solid plan by the application deadline.

Thanks to all that have offered their thoughts!
you're on the right track
I've pulled a couple cow tags in an area I wanted to hunt bulls only to have so much snow that plan was pointless other than seeing a lot of nice bulls on the winter range. What did work was getting an antelope tag somewhere close by then burning a few extra days to scout elk since I was already out there.
Just going out on a ragged, hairy limb, I would guess waiting for 11 years, spending a recommended by you $1950 on a tag, and burning all their points they weren't looking for spikes and rags.
Because that’s what breeds all those cows on September? Unit 7 has an elk problem with huge herds of cows. Those big cow concentrations draw some really nice bulls, and quite a few of them. It’s not that hard to piece together where private land damage claims are. Then look at a map to see if there is accessible public that borders to those properties. In September those parcels are pretty magical.

As far as spikes and rags…

Pretty sure you’re grasping at straws to defend your stance.
Because that’s what breeds all those cows on September? Unit 7 has an elk problem with huge herds of cows. Those big cow concentrations draw some really nice bulls, and quite a few of them. It’s not that hard to piece together where private land damage claims are. Then look at a map to see if there is accessible public that borders to those properties. In September those parcels are pretty magical.

As far as spikes and rags…

Pretty sure you’re grasping at straws to defend your stance.
Unit 7 just hits a sore spot in his cold heart because its a notorious unit for outfitters that interfere with how he wants the state to run policy for elk management.
The idea of getting cow tags is great but our main goal is to have a quality archery hunt so the only benefit would be getting to know the geography of an area at a different time of year and possibly a long ways from where we would end up hunting.
Most of the cow tags open early. Unit 7 runs from Aug 15 thru the rut and into the winter.

Buzz made this about late season and your desire to archery hunt was lost in his mind.

September is magical and you all will have a good time whatever you decide. That time with your boys is worth every penny you will spend.
you're on the right track
I've pulled a couple cow tags in an area I wanted to hunt bulls only to have so much snow that plan was pointless other than seeing a lot of nice bulls on the winter range. What did work was getting an antelope tag somewhere close by then burning a few extra days to scout elk since I was already out there.
Both times we have antelope hunted we did just that. The first time was Antelope Unit 53 and we spent a couple days up in the Medicine Bow NF which would be elk area 21. It is a General Elk hunt and the amount of hunters seemed comparable to what we see here in Western Oregon during general season. Out of the picture with 11 points. The last time we hunted Antelope unit 93 which is elk unit 102, also a General Elk tag. We filmed several bull moose one of which seemed really good to me but we never saw any elk or even elk hunters in the areas we explored that I can recall. I was on the right track but should have selected antelope areas that coincided more with better elk areas.
Most of the cow tags open early. Unit 7 runs from Aug 15 thru the rut and into the winter.

Buzz made this about late season and your desire to archery hunt was lost in his mind.

September is magical and you all will have a good time whatever you decide. That time with your boys is worth every penny you will spend.
Maybe Buzz is just messing with you about unit 7 because that is where his buddy shot that elk and talking about his unit of choice is making him angry? The type 1 tag has an archery season (his buddy couldn't get the bull in archery he said) and was also hunting on November 2nd and November 9th (regular season dates are Oct 15-Nov 20). He also lives not far from there I've heard/read once upon a time.
One of you do a general this year and go hunt then the year after all 3 do a party and general hunt
Or one does a LE -1 and the other two apply for a -6. You could really have a unit dialed in for the boys when it’s their turn.
There were ZERO cows, but 17 bulls in the area where he killed it. Don't see how bombing around hunting cows in November/December would have done any good.

Only time finding cows is valuable at all is during the rut, rest of the year its a waste of time (unless you have a cow tag or want to shoot spikes and rags).
If you're running around looking for cows, worrying about filling that tag, you never would have found the bulls.

That's a fact.
You sure about these statements? I'm tossing the challenge flag. Lets review....I see some cows....

You sure about these statements? I'm tossing the challenge flag. Lets review....I see some cows....

View attachment 304965
Yeah, and bulls not worth shooting with an 11 point tag, why I didn't shoot them.

Also why I looked else where and never went back to the nursery herds with smaller six points.

Might want to read closer, those elk were between areas I was checking for older bulls.
Maybe Buzz is just messing with you about unit 7 because that is where his buddy shot that elk and talking about his unit of choice is making him angry? The type 1 tag has an archery season (his buddy couldn't get the bull in archery he said) and was also hunting on November 2nd and November 9th (regular season dates are Oct 15-Nov 20). He also lives not far from there I've heard/read once upon a time.
You don't know, what you don't know.


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