Wyo Wildlife Task Force and the new outfitter/landowner draw proposal


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
Casper, Wyoming
For me it's "when will this nonsense come to an end?" Public comment has opened up for the next version of the outfitter/landowner drawing on NR licenses. Comments will be taken until Aug 5th. The new rate is now 50% of NR tags and outfitters are soliciting their clients to send in positive comments to combat the negative comments on this subject last month.

This is tiring. I may have included some sharper adjectives this time around. The landowner-outfitter “feed us!” is Reverse Robinhood - make sure to line their pockets straight from what is lost from all the other WY businesses who currently get DIY traffic. You’d think any and every Republican politician would be blacklisted for signing off on fascism, but somehow no…just dish more favors to friends and free market capitalism is an inconvenient theory.
Sorry for the ignorance in advance. But before I comment I want to make sure I understand. Is the rational WYOGA is using for the 50% the $$ that their clients "bring" to the state argument they used in MT? Or is their more to it?

I have absolutely no problem with 90/10 split and anything else you DIY residents want. Just hate this outfitter welfare BS. Thanks to all in advance.
Sorry for the ignorance in advance. But before I comment I want to make sure I understand. Is the rational WYOGA is using for the 50% the $$ that their clients "bring" to the state argument they used in MT? Or is their more to it?

I have absolutely no problem with 90/10 split and anything else you DIY residents want. Just hate this outfitter welfare BS. Thanks to all in advance.
And/or just that they can’t bear to lose any clients if residents get more tags. Status quo for me and mine…don’t care who the other losers are
TF: Should we do this stupid shit?
Me: No.
TF: How about this stupid shit?
Me: No.
TF: How about this stupid shit?
So 4-beers-in you makes for “…” ? I’m impressed. I’m still paying for some stupid thing I said the last time I was out drinking with my wife.
So is this a valid point:

If you go to 50% of NR licenses to outfitted clients the state would actually be losing money. I see this happening because, I assume a lot of people going through an outfitter most likely have the expendable income to always apply in the special draw in order to "hop the line" so, if you all but guarantee them a tag they will always pay general fees; thus cutting state license revenue in half?

It would be interesting to see the number of Outfitted clients who apply in the special draw vs regular.
So is this a valid point:

If you go to 50% of NR licenses to outfitted clients the state would actually be losing money. I see this happening because, I assume a lot of people going through an outfitter most likely have the expendable income to always apply in the special draw in order to "hop the line" so, if you all but guarantee them a tag they will always pay general fees; thus cutting state license revenue in half?

It would be interesting to see the number of Outfitted clients who apply in the special draw vs regular.
My understanding is the new outfitter draw replaces the special draw, and everyone else just applies in a regular draw.

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