Will eating meat become illegal?

How long until eating meat is outlawed?

  • Within 20 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 20-50 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 50-100 years

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • More than 100 years

    Votes: 18 14.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 89 72.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2019
With the growing discussions of farming meat and climate change, animal rights/welfare, and availability of plant-based protein alternatives, I wonder if consumption of meat/animal products could someday be banned? Not currently losing sleep over it, but curious what others think. The "just egg" ads are really irking me, I think it should be illegal to call plant products "meat" or "egg" etc. in the name. Also seems pretty hypocritical to talk about animal welfare while showing someone throw bacon in the garbage.
Selling meat won't become illegal any time soon but it will be priced out of the market eventually I am sure of that. Cheaper alternatives will probably take over the meat market at some point. Meat is getting more and more expensive and "beyond meat" products are getting better quality/taste wise.
I don’t know. I live in one of the most liberal cities in the country and there sure are a lot of people from all walks of life and politics who like cheeseburgers. Some just prefer local, grass-fed, artisan burgers that have been serenaded into being by The Decemberists.
I will never forget the kid I sat next to in college English with a Decemberists satchel. Not surprisingly he was a very good, albeit odd, writer. And probably preferred his meat had been sung to.
Back to meat…
Seriously? Is this a real thing?
There’s a petition for a ballet initiative in Oregon right now that would make meat consumption in this state really difficult. It would ban hunting, fishing, and trapping, make raising and slaughtering livestock for consumption illegal, and make animal husbandry a sex crime. It won’t make it to the ballet, but yeah, this is a real thing to a cringe-worthy vocal minority.
Selling meat won't become illegal any time soon but it will be priced out of the market eventually I am sure of that. Cheaper alternatives will probably take over the meat market at some point. Meat is getting more and more expensive and "beyond meat" products are getting better quality/taste wise.
Exactly, Look what they are doing to pork in California.
Will never be illegal but meat substitutes and lab grown meat will continue to increase in prevalence. Maybe for the best, honestly. I’ve always believed you should be able to kill, or kill, what you eat - it adds intrinsic value and gives meaning to your food. Too many people are missing that relationship IMO and it props up unethical factory farms, poor environmental practices, etc.

I doubt the tribes would ever give up meat.
I don't even know what that means. I've asked this a lot lately but wtf is going on?
There was a similar bill in CO, it’s not really making animal husbandry a sex crime as certain practices for instance artificial insemination. These bills really are just going after beef producers and are trying to make it uneconomic… I think the other measure in the CO bill was that beefs can’t be slaughtered till they are 5 years old.

I agree with @Hydrophilic it won’t be illegal but if Burger King et al figure out how to get fake meat cheaper than beef they will absolutely switch.

India hasn’t outlawed meat and ~40% of the country is vegetarian… the US is like ~3-5% depending on the poll and definition you use.
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