Who's ready to ski!

The last couple years I downgraded to a 5 day pass and was struggling to motivate the last couple days, I even stopped before the last lift, which would leave my 19 year old self shaking his head in disappointment...
not that resort skiing isn't fun, it might be too much type one fun, no suffering to keep me coming back?
I got my 100 day season in while I was still in high school and I think that ruined me, I'll never be that good again, I get on a board now and my brain expects me to be able to drive it like I did then, but my body doesn't get the memo.

Touring was all I wanted to do for a couple winters but the longer I have done it the more scared I get, our snowpack is about as dangerous as it gets, almost everyone I tour with has had a close call, it makes alpine climbing look safe...
I grok this...

I can't remember the last time I skied bell to bell, I think partially it's because I grew up skiing with a big group of friend and now I mostly ski solo and it's just not the same.

Finally got a new pair of skis this year after a decade, and I mounted an AT setup but while skiing in CO I imagine it would be mostly used for up- hilling the resort before it opens. I've lost a couple of friends and the appeal of the CO backcountry is totally gone for me.
Yep and yep. Put in 100 day seasons all through high school traveling the world. Some days I miss it as I see one of my old boards in the garage. Then I realize that 3-6 hours of driving each way, lift lines all day, and not with the people I loved riding with.

I haven’t been in a few years now. Can’t risk an injury with being a business owner and it’s not worth the hassle.

I would consider backcountry but as @AvidIndoorsman said. We lost a few mutual friends and I’ve lost a few more that weren’t mutual friends. After that the whole thing just lost its pull for me.
Yep and yep. Put in 100 day seasons all through high school traveling the world. Some days I miss it as I see one of my old boards in the garage. Then I realize that 3-6 hours of driving each way, lift lines all day, and not with the people I loved riding with.

I haven’t been in a few years now. Can’t risk an injury with being a business owner and it’s not worth the hassle.

I would consider backcountry but as @AvidIndoorsman said. We lost a few mutual friends and I’ve lost a few more that weren’t mutual friends. After that the whole thing just lost its pull for me.
All of this. Man, I used to skill 70-80 days while living in the city and running my business, but it's just gotten so f-ing crowded. There is traffic on like Tuesdays now even, its just not the same. Jenny gets on my ass because she loves it, but thats because she never drives, she sleeps the whole time in traffic lol

The backcountry around here just isnt worth it anymore. After a close call a couple of years ago and hearing the mountain groan and creek, I all but stopped except for the most mellow of mellow. Plus so many morons are in the backcountry now that its no longer about just reading the mountain, you have to read them too

These days, I'd much rather winter hike or snowshoe since most of our population doesn't like being out there in the cold (except for skiing) so its nice to have the trails to yourself
does it really get that crowded anymore once they close the gate? Every time I've been there after the gate closes, no one goes because they dont want to talk the road

oh yeah. both times i've been there in the winter we had to park down the road due to a full parking lot.

it's nasty mess.

not even that cool tbh
we are considering starting to go to eldora. also snowy range.

but as much as i blame me not going anymore on the ridiculous state of colorado resorts, their prices, the access to them, and the absolutley obnoxious culture around it all, i'm also just mostly kinda over it - the passion has subsided.

will at least provide the opportunity for my kids to develop the same passion i had for it in middle school, high school, and college when they're at the age to start learning.

if my parents had a condo in summit county tho... yeah we'd probably be buying passes still.
Funny how the ski industry keeps touting 'inclusivity'
Man, I have all the gear packed for after work, but it sure doesn't look promising. Pretty hard to keep the fam warm in these temps, esp as it's supposed to continue to drop to -16 while the wind stays constant.
Local mountain was slated to open Saturday morning with this push of snow. Then the slice of negative temps already has them either delaying later in the day or not actually opening. I can't ski with this meniscus thing that fired up this week so maybe I'll visit the bar. They have local beers for $5/pint
Kids and I hit it up last night, temps were between 1 and 7 depending on where you were on the mountain, the only "windy" spot was the very tip top. Thankfully that chair has a bubble. We had a blast, tons of powder, almost no one else up there. If there would have been a better base to allow more off trail runs it might have been the best skiing of the year. However, we only made 6 runs before the toes were too cold.
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