Yeti GOBOX Collection

Who else has stopped helping people get/track points?

I do points for like 6 of us family members every year. This'll be my last year doing it for anyone other than my much younger cousin. Pretty much because he's like my oldest kid. From now on I'll give a text and a link a week or two ahead of time. If it's not that important to get it done neither is going on the trip. Tired of wiping noses and asses for other grown men. Whether it's on the trip or during applications. Also tired of collecting the money from everyone.

I used to front the money for 3 of my friends for their Colorado applications for elk and mule deer. Lol
Unfortunately, there is not enough of us like minded folks. There is still too many people out there buying points for others.
I've been fortunate, the guys that I hunt with get a reminder, but usually have already done the process.
I have a buddy I have to remind 4 or 5 times every year for colorado and Wyoming. Twice he forgot even after I reminded him. Every year he waits until the very last day. This year was different, I didn't say a word. Don't know if he got his points or not.
Do you all plan on hunting with the people that you are applying for/reminding to apply or are you just a nice person?

That was the plan with my buddy. Went on our first antelope hunt together. He hasn't even tried to apply for anything since.
Points are the test of whether someone is going to join me or not. Whenever I get back from out West, someone inevitably starts asking about going. I tell them how the draw process works and tell them if they want to go in the future they need to put in for points.

Guess how many ever do?
About as many people who say they want to go hunt Africa with you until its time to send in the deposit. 🤣
I am conflicted also. It is a pain reminding grown adults over and over of deadlines and sometimes treating them almost like children. However, I also like to share the outdoors with others (sometimes) and a dependable hunting partner can be pretty hard to find.
Two years ago I stopped worrying about people who applied or did not buy points. I now focus on my points and a few family members. I stopped caring when my brother in law waited until the last moment to apply and then missed the dead line to apply…. This year the group wanted to go on a deer hunt for 2024. Two guys decided they would not buy deer points since they had enough to get the tags. What they did not take into account was my brother and I burned our points on deer 2 years ago, when both forgot to apply. Now we have a low point average and will not see deer tags this year.

I am going to get tags each year. You can join me, or go do your own thing.
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