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When fishing deep



When you guys out east fish deep do your fish bloat(get nitrogen in there blood streams). certain times of the year we have to fish at 50 feet and deeper to get bass. when we do this most always the fish bloat so we have to needle them(lets the air out). I was told by a few that it works but also told that the fish will die in 3-5 days.

we dont have that problem around here at all that ive ever heard of! matter of fact this is the first ive ever heard of it! thanks for the info. pretty interesting. Do you have trouble keeping the "deep fish" alive in the live well until wiegh-in or is this not tournament technique! you use alot ?

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison
Ive needle a few fish, and only one died while in a tourney. I try not to fish that deep but sometimes If i'm not getting bites I will. If the bloat in the livewell I will give them to the neighbor.

Most tourneyment guys fish deep in the summer and cold winters cause thats where most the fish are. Ive been at tourney's where they would spend 2 hours needling fish. It only takes seconds to needle them, they just had alot of fish to needle.

We have to do that when deep sea fishing.
At about 100' they bloat when you pull them up. We always poke them to let the air out.
The ones that are too small to keep.
They seem to live but usually a bigger fish see's them looking wounded on the surface and Nails them!
I have never heard of that with bass though,