What's Your Favorite Varmint??????


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Hey all, Well being new to this site and I'm sure this has been worked to death but, What is your favorite varmint to hunt and why!!!
With out question I love to hunt the coyotes, but they are very easy critters to get to come in, I like to hunt the Bobcat the best! For they are much more elusive and harder to hunt. The Bobcat has a very keen eye sight and ears but the nose is terrible for sent, there fore they hunt with there eyes and ears more than anything. Not being able to hunt then during the night hours we are made to hunt daylight hours till sun set, A Bobcat will not come running to a call, it can take as long as 15-20 minutes for him to get there depending on distance from you, they are very slow stalking critters and like to take there time, most often then not you will be calling and out of no where it will appear as if a magic force had brought it before you! The Bobcat can get very large in some states and smaller in others, terrain and food and just plain habitat have a lot to do with it! In Oklahoma Quail seem to be a favorite meal to the Bobcat but they will consume rabbit,squirrel,woodpecker,mice,and even deer! While calling coyotes with the lost fawn call, (which is one of the best calls to use during the spring) I had a doe and fawn come running to call to aide in the lost fawn, I caught a movement down wind of the deer and found it to be a Bobcat. My heart stopped as I realized that I was watching this Bobcat stalk the fawn, I could not believe it, this was life and death before my eyes out in the real world, how many people get to see this happen with a Bobcat and fawn. The Bobcat got very close to the fawn and doe before making his move on the fawn, the Bobcat seamed to move in slow motion as he made his way, and I could only sit and watch the whole thing in great wonder wishing I had brought the video camera! I then focused the cross hairs on the Bobcat and squeezed the trigger, "BOOOOOM" the Bobcat never knew it was hit nor did the fawn realize that at that second I just saved it's life for it never would have stood a chance against that Cat that day, the Bobcat lay dead mer feet from where the fawn once stood! I went home with a new respect for the Bobcat after seeing this great opportunity before me for the first time wondering if I will ever get that lucky to see one at such a close distance stalking it's prey never knowing I was there with it's life in my hands!

Guns Don't Kill Critters, I Do!
My favorite to call in is the coyote,there very easy but yet they always suprise you, running full steam at you then stop do a 180 and run the other way within a split second.
The coyote reason is more than likely why i dont get bobcats and lions to come in that much. because a coyote will usually come in first then bamm I shoot at it and that area is all done for a while.
However another fun one to call is a gray fox. there stupid one of the dumbest critters i have ever seen. and this can lead to some very scarey situations. Fox's will bite anyone or anything thats close. I was calling one day and I had 3 foxes one on my right and 2 on my left. I saw one in front (4th) about 25 yards as I leveled the .223 on it the 2 on the left stopped and looked at me. thses where less than 10 yards away and walking right towards me. I have a sqeeker taped to my rifle and gave it a few sqeeks and the 2 ran right arcoss my legs one stops and snarled the other kept running scared the crap out of me.
I dont use electronic calls but maybe once a year,mouth calls are my favorite.another call that I use is a mallard duck call. If you use it just right it sounds like 2 cats fighting. Ive used this on a few occasions for some different sounds.

Oh yeah forgot to say the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life was a bobcat and a racoon fighting in a lake while fishing one night. this all took place right at the front of our boat. bobcat lost it swam across the lake and the coon went to the closest shore.

Delw, I hear ya bud, The coon is one tough bogger they will stand up to any thing! Me and my family was camping at Lugert Lake after the fires had burned the lodge down and a few other buildings, in any case we had made camp for the night and my father had came down as well to stay and do some fishing with me, while the wife was getting dinner going me and my dad headed out to the lake for some great fishing. We arived back at camp to a great meal and some camp coffee over the fire, my dad had brought some candy kiss's with him to eat on, he does love his chocolate.,haha I have a three bedroom tent with a large mesh front room in the tent, we had are table's and chairs and food stored here out of the way, my father reluctently left his candy on one of the tables and headed to his tent for some rest after a long day of fishing and talking in to the night. We headed off to sleep are selves a little while later, a short time after we dozed off i awoke from my sleep hearing something pulling and ripping at the tent, I woke the wife and told her I heard something trying to get into the tent and was going to see what it was. There at the front of the tent was a dozen or more coon trying to get into the tent and hell bound to get the candy near the screen on the table. I unzipped the netting and headed out to face the onslaught before me, little did I know that the coons had other ideas, as I did my best to keep them from comming in the tent or tearing it to shreads my wife came out to aide me with a broom, We manadged to get them to back away for a short time only to find them right back at the tent, I headed back out only to discover the horror of coons every where, it was like a late night scarry show, the coons was every where on peoples campers,tents,trailers,pop up campers and all over the cars and trucks! people were yelling at the coons and slapping at the tents from inside, kids were crying out loud, it was like the night of the living coons out here! My wife once more returned with the broom only to discover one of the coons rareing up to fight her just as she was about to slap the snot out of it a ranger pulled in and yelled no your not going to hit that coon, the coon was trying to get at her while this park ranger was talking to us the whole time and I was getting very pissed my self due to the fact that we were never going to get any sleep with the killer coons on the loose, he whent on to tell us that since the fires the coons have came down to the camping area looking for food since the lodge burnt down and there main sorce gone now we were to be terrized by them. He whent on to tell us to get all the food out of the tent and store it in the trunk if we are to ever get any peace and a few hours sleep, so we did as he said and the coons left us alone for the rest of the night, but as for the rest of the campers, well that's another story!
thats funny.Ive heard of attact of the killer rabbits but never the coons..

My favorite varmint is coyote. There's nothing like having one come to a call. Bobcats are a rare thing for me (about 1 every 3 years)
In the summer time I like to shoot rock chucks in the high country.
The coyotes here are very numerous and liked by most and it only requires you to have just your hunting licence and no tags or season un like bobcat that cost $9.00 that of which I think isn't bad and can only hunt them from DEC.1-FEB.28. Oh yea I shoot alot more yotes then I do bobcat and love it very much as do most, and yep most every time you will get the coyote running in before the bobcat gets there every time.hahaha So what do I do? Dust his butt of course.
The coyotes do make for faster action with out question and that's what I go after with new varmint hunters so they can get some fast trigger time in and not get discouraged waiting for a cat to come in! So when I'm not Bobcat hunting I'm coyote hunting!

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