what kind of weird hunting and fishing stuff did you do in college


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
when l was in college l hunted a lot, l skinned most everything l shot, at one point l left for christmas break l had several muskrat hides, a pile of rattlesnake skins, a coyote hide and a badger hide in the dorm freezer. when l got back l was talking to a friend of mine who lived on campus. in the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had been asked by the college dean who had been skinning animals and keeping the hides. he made it sound like the dean wasn't real happy. he didn't give me up but l lost my hides anyhow.
Don’t have any good hunting trips from college. Just hit a deer with the truck during a blizzard in ND and brought it back to the dorm kitchen to process. Dumb at the time because I didn’t get a salvation tag… just didn’t want to waist a deer and didn’t know salvation tags were a thing. Cooked the whole dorm venison onions in butter. Lots of guys never had deer and they loved it.

Prolly one of my favorite college memories
We’d go ice fishing the last week or so before Christmas break and do a big fish fry before we all left. Usually that meant the fish sat on the ice and froze stiff. We’d thaw them in the bathtub so we could clean fish. Usually forgetting to rinse the tub. First guy in the shower after that would generally fall on his butt once he stepped in all the northern pike slime.
Went to Oregon State, good hunting and fishing nearby. We would throw my drift boat in the river, put out some plugs and back troll for steelhead and salmon. Keep our shotguns handy for ducks. Best day ever we got two limits of mallards, a handful of quail, couple of pheasants, two or three geese and one blacktail buck. Don’t recall if we caught any fish that day.
When I was a senior in high school (1977) I bought a 5 year old 26’ travel trailer for $3600 to tow over to the coast and live in while I went to college. Lived in it for most of five years, $75mo all in for the space/utilities, sold it upon graduation for $3300. BARGIN HOUSING.

To supplement my food/income (in worked in the mill pulling green chain) I turned the trailer into the local butcher shop (the neighbors loved it I’m sure 🤔) where I’d process friends deer for either $$ or meat. I also went through about a ten year phase of shooting the first legal buck I saw and always a head shot, either DRT or complete miss, didn’t want to lose an ounce of meat🙄. Starving student syndrome does weird chit to ya!
I would hand out flyers for the upcoming party at our ranch. At the collage.
Bands , hot tub, BBQ...to chicks. Just the babes. We'd wind up with 75% gals at the party.

I never went to a collage for a degree and would just sit in on classes.

I'd hunt for abalone in the rocks at the naked beach. And inside the breakwater of the bay at low tide.
Dive for clams at Pismo from a surfboard. You could pick up a limit in one dive, The BIG ones.
Then someone would ask if you would sell them in the parking lot and out I'd go again.
Yeah it was illegal, but you could pick up a couple hundred bucks in a day.
Those Valley Fools would get limits of the little ones or get skunked.

Then we'd dance off with their gals @ Harry's.
Last year trying to finish up grad school I drovea 1200 mile roundtrip to Arkansas and back on a Saturday, to get back to Georgia and hunt on Sunday, because it was the only day I would have to hunt a particular stand during the rut. Had to sit in the rain and cold when I got there. Killed my personal best/favorite deer at the last minute of shooting light. Gutted him on the tailgate, drove two more hours to get home, got up early the next day and taught Comp 1102 with bloody fingernails and then went and butchered the deer.
Deer strapped on the back of a beat up car. Drove through campus on Halloween weekend with everyone gasping. Butchered the deer in the apartment shower.

Butchered a turkey in the dorm parking lot then shoved the carcass halfway into the trash can. It was stuck half out in one of those can toppers with the small opening made for small trash bags.

Took a deer that I hit with my truck to a party. We half butchered it in the kitchen sink and left the carcass there. Got a hilariously angry call the next day from the host. When we pulled that deer through the crowd I could hear my buddy apologizing to his GF from the city. Another guys GF started crying.

I was so hungover on a turkey hunt that I drank creek water through a wing bone call with a bandanna wrapped around the end as a filter. A cop stopped me once thinking I was up to no good. He was convinced that my cane call was for drugs

Worked in a giant state park. Found a chunk of state forest that was land locked by the park. We hunted that 60 acres. The hippie park rangers looked the other way because we knew where they were growing in the park.
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Seriously, I don't know how I ever graduated from college as more hours were spent fishing the Gallatin and Madison Rivers than in the classroom.

To compound the scholastic challenge, the "back-in-the-day" fraternity outdoor adventures and road trips in MINERVA, the 1917 White former Yellowstone tour bus, took up many days which should have been study days. (BTW, Minerva's driver was limited to only one beer per hour, for safety sake you know! ;) Those were crazy, how-did-we-survive days.)

Driving Minerva with Rich Hepp in shotgun seat..jpg
There was a possum digging in the trash cans of the fraternity house I lived in. Chased it into a window well, found a railroad tie laying nearby and flattened the possum with it. Possum was dead but still looked alive. Got the bright idea to get some fishing line and tie it to its tail and lay it out on the sidewalk in front of the fraternity house. It was sorority rush week and girls were walking up and down the street all dressed by the hundreds. I sat up on the porch wall with a beer, and everytime a group of girls came by, I would twitch the line wiggling the tail. That was a fun evening!

Did a Google search of the fraternity house. Porch is still there, bushes out front are gone. Otherwise looks about the same as it did almost 40 years ago.
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