What calls you use?

I have a couple calls I use for deer. Both are made by Modern Call Products out of Buckeye Az. One is the Coues Buck call, once I got the o-ring in the right spot it has stopped every deer I have used it on, many of them multiple times. The other is the Mule Deer In-Ex call, exhale for a buck grunt and inhale for a doe. Haven't had much luck with the buck grunt but the doe call stops them in their tracks.
In a perfect world with that call when would you use the buck call over the doe call, and doe call over the buck call?
If I knew that DB I would have a lot more racks in the garage. I am just getting started with calling, never used them growing up. Once, or if, I figure out the right combo of calls I will share.
I really like the true talker grunt tube. I've brought in many deer with it.