Western transplant


Jul 29, 2018
Hi all, I've been reading the forum for a while but only recently decided to start posting here and there. This is one of the more positive hunting forums, so kudos to the members and moderators here for maintaining the right attitude. I've lived in north Idaho for 10 years now, but am originally from the Midwest (I don't miss it at all). I grew up hunting squirrel and whitetail and trapping with my grandfather and absolutely loved it. I faded out of the outdoors a little bit in my college and early married years but almost always got back out in the fall to put one or two deer in the freezer. Started shooting a recurve with cedar arrows one year in my mid-20's and spot/stalked a little whitetail buck and shot him from the ground which is still my proudest hunting memory. Hunting has become my main hobby in later years. Upon moving out west I've killed my share of elk, deer, and my once-in-a-lifetime Idaho bull moose. Had horses for several years and did the old school pack in with wall tent, do some backpack hunting, and have driven lots of logging roads and glassing. My favorite hunting season now is archery elk (I use a compound now days), as there's nothing quite like it for what I feel is the full "hunt experience" in tracking down animal location, learning behavior, communicating with them, and "trying" to get close. I still do rifle hunt too. Last year I took my moose with one of my best friends at my side. We called it from 3/4 mile away and shot it at 90 yards. It's the best tasting game meat ever. This year we're hoping to stretch our comfort level and start chasing some pronghorn in southern Idaho with a bow. I have a brother in Alaska and am starting to work on a plan for a hunt up there next year, likely caribou but there might be moose on the menu. I almost always hunt with my kids (11-15) at this point, it's a great time out and we build a lot of memories together camping and chasing animals. We are currently gearing up for spring bear which opens in a little over a week, planning to run a couple bait sites while doing more spot/stalk hunting. That's about it for me. I'll try to share helpful info when I can but will mostly be lurking in the background learning from you all.
Nice write up about yourself. Look forward to hearing about your adventures. Now you should join a local Hook and bullet org.(If you haven't) or one of the Bigger ones like the RMEF or Back Country Hunters and Anglers so you can get involved in protecting YOUR hobby.
Nice write up about yourself. Look forward to hearing about your adventures. Now you should join a local Hook and bullet org.(If you haven't) or one of the Bigger ones like the RMEF or Back Country Hunters and Anglers so you can get involved in protecting YOUR hobby.

Already a member! :)

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