NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Wax Paper Meat Wrap


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Anyone ever use wax paper to wrap their game? Certainly as airtight as butcher paper or probably plastic, super cheap, biodegradable, food grade, etc... gave it a try on a few packs last week as an op test, and it appeared to seal up great.
Does tape stick to it? I'm sure it would work fine.

Yep, tape adhered fine. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to do the exact same thing as plastic but cheaper and without the chemicals
Yep, tape adhered fine. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to do the exact same thing as plastic but cheaper and without the chemicals
Wax is coated on both sides it also is a little thinner and doesn't hold up as well when it gets damp/wet. Otherwise I don't think it matters as long as the tape sticks or doesn't come off when it's frozen. I don't think chemicals are really an issue. I mean paper has chemicals in it as well, and I'm sure rhe wax has something in it to thin it for application but not sure.
Plain butcher paper works fine. It has a shiny lining that probably serves the same function as wax paper. Why would you use wax paper? What’s the cost difference?
I can't comment on wax paper...I'm not sure the coating would survive in a freezer so it would ultimately end up on your meat or flake off affecting the longevity of the tape and possibly allow for freezer burn. I don't know but just a couple thoughts. To me the risk of freezer burn far outweighs the few dollars of potential savings.

I believe I paid $25 for a 1300' long roll of freezer paper at Costco...a seasonal item at the BZN store. I did have buy a $25 roll holder/cutter. It's hard to beat the economy of scale. Not a member of a store...have a friend who is buy it or have them buy you a gift card to Costco.

The issue with "chemicals" on plastic sided is a huge stretch. Unless you're cooking in the microwave in the freezer paper I 100% doubt any issues would ever arise.
The issue with "chemicals" on plastic sided is a huge stretch. Unless you're cooking in the microwave in the freezer paper I 100% doubt any issues would ever arise.

May want to give this guy a read. Basically, plastic wrap is produced with a chemical called DEHA that the FDA says "is totally safe" but has been linked to cancers and endocrine disruption. I may be overly cautious, but I'm all about eliminating plastics in my kitchen whenever possible.

Also, I defrosted a pack of venison burger I did with this a few weeks ago, and it looks just like any of the ones I've ever vacuum packed. Will keep this thread updated!
Only thing that comes to mind is the physical strength. Stuff in my freezer starts taking a beating about 4 months in. I guess if I knew the wrap was delicate maybe I’d be more delicate myself.
Also, I defrosted a pack of venison burger I did with this a few weeks ago, and it looks just like any of the ones I've ever vacuum packed. Will keep this thread updated!
Nice, I'd be curious about long term...sure a month or so you'll be fine but what about 6 months or 3 years (yeah sometimes those sneaky packages disappear in the freezer).

Please note I'm not trying to be argumentative just cautious as I've tried a handful of routes and am 100% back to wrapping with plastic wrap and freezer paper as they seem to be most durable and protect long term quality of meat. Sure plastic is probably bad for us but the fact is it impossible to avoid.
Nice, I'd be curious about long term...sure a month or so you'll be fine but what about 6 months or 3 years (yeah sometimes those sneaky packages disappear in the freezer).

Please note I'm not trying to be argumentative just cautious as I've tried a handful of routes and am 100% back to wrapping with plastic wrap and freezer paper as they seem to be most durable and protect long term quality of meat. Sure plastic is probably bad for us but the fact is it impossible to avoid.

All very valid points! I actually did a few double wrapped with the wax paper for added durability, so we'll see how there is any difference. Just interesting trying new stuff out! Did some research into the formula of the wax they use, and apparently since it's intended to be used for baking etc, they say it's completely nontoxic.
I've always wrapped meat in plastic wrap until zip loc bags came out. had a neat little gadget to suck out the air. Thin hose and zip lock to each side then pump out the air and finish zipping as the tube is pulled out of the bag. Not sure whay I started doing that or even if it's necessary but don't get a bunch of blood when it thaws out. Know guy atha do wrap in plastic wrap and I simply don't care for the mess unwrapping anymore! Seen a lot of butcher wrapped stuff using only a double wrap of butcher paper. My guess is it probably works but I still like my zip lock bags and sucking the air out.
Basically, plastic wrap is produced with a chemical called DEHA that the FDA says "is totally safe" but has been linked to cancers and endocrine disruption.
Did some research into the formula of the wax they use, and apparently since it's intended to be used for baking etc, they say it's completely nontoxic.
So one is valid but one isn’t?
I also have done the "Cushman Method".....not be be mistaken for his other shennanagins....
When I butcher I put the meat in ziplock freezer bags, dunk the in water to get the air out, then wrap in lined butcher paper. I've pulled stuff out of the freezer after 4-5 years and it's still good.
Trout even lasts long that way.
It worked just dandy during the "who knows" thru the '60's. Then emerged the Plastic Lunch bag. I'm talking about the extended back flap that you needed to tuck inside the inner front part of the bag & then flip that addition front loaded extra thingy and back fold it over the back part.

Next came Zip Lock.

Technology went 1/5 % forward, Won a BUNCH of $$$, for NADA.

Simple answer. Wrap it tight and tape it well. You're good to go!
So one is valid but one isn’t?

That's why I used the phrase "they say it's nontoxic" versus stating definitively that it has no downside.

In any case, it's 100% certain that most plastics are endocrine disruptors to at least some degree, whereas wax is pretty inert. I'd love to see a lab analysis, but until then, I'm going with the option that has not been proven to be toxic.
I know one butcher who wraps it “backwards” for that reason. Butcher paper on the inside and a tight wrap of plastic wrap on the outside.
That's why I used the phrase "they say it's nontoxic" versus stating definitively that it has no downside.

In any case, it's 100% certain that most plastics are endocrine disruptors to at least some degree, whereas wax is pretty inert. I'd love to see a lab analysis, but until then, I'm going with the option that has not been proven to be toxic.
I get the logic here but are there population scale makers of actual toxicity? It's one thing to say something is toxic based on lab data on an individual or finer scale, but surely we have been using plastic wrap for a generation, I have yet to see where hunters are at a higher risk due to those endocrine disrupters.