Caribou Gear

Vote for OYOA on Outdoor Channel

Thanks for the link!

Completed. OYOA all the way - oh... heh last one was warren for fishin show. :)
Thanks guys. I cannot over-emphasize how much weight sponsors and networks put into this fan voting. They view you as the final judge of what is working, or not working. This really is your chance to have your voice be heard.

Personally, I could care less if we win any awards, for the sake of winning awards. But, if a non-guided show wins an award, it will be shake up to the hunting TV world, beyond what I can even explain in words.

Let's face it, we are a unique concept. One that was laughed at. Now, Outdoor Channel is getting inundated with emails about our show, to the point that they are moving us up the scale.

What would be amazing is if we were to demonstrate to the sponsorship and other media, not only the number of hunters wanting to see this type of programming, but also the avidity these hunters have for seeing a different hunting message.

With all of that, I can't thank you enough for voiting. It is what will really determine if this idea of promoting non-guided hunting, becomes part of the mainstream hunting media message. Hopefully, you will share this link with your friends, and ask them to vote for On Your Own Adventures.

Thanks again, not only for any vote you might cast, but for your support and encouragement to take on this crazy idea and see if we could do what the naysayers said was impossible.


And as they say at fund raisers, "Vote early and vote often." ;)
Thanks for the link.

My vote has been cast.

I'll send out a link to all my buddies and make sure they vote also.
Chilly Willy has voted. Perhaps Chilly Willy Jr. should also vote. Perhaps Mrs. Chilly Willy should also vote. Hmmmm.
Vote is cast. Good luck Fin and OYOA. Keep up the good work. It can't be easy.
Last Call!

Well guys, we have two days left in the voting for the Fan Favorite Awards, or Golden Moose Awards as they are called.

We are near the top of all four categories. I have been told the number of votes separating those of us at the top is double digit, not hundreds. Thanks a ton for helping us compete this well.

I laugh when I think about it. All the other shows at the top are celebrity names, long-running shows, have tons of sponsor or netowork promotion, etc.

And then along comes OYOA and people are asking, "Where the hell did this idea come from?" I love it when I hear that from the industry pros.

Anyhow, if ever you are going to do 'Ol Fin a favor, or want to see the OYOA message get put on the big stage, here is your chance to do so.

I am asking all of you a favor. And I am not good at asking favors, but given how much these awards are looked at by the "Industy Experts," I will be shameless in promoting the OYOA message.

Here is the ask:

1. Please vote for us in categories 1 through 4 in the link below. If you have already voted, "THANK YOU," and please see request #2.

2. Please find one hunting friend or family member to vote for us. Each unique email address is allowed to vote. Two friends are even better, and three .........

Here is the link - Golden Moose Awards

Anyhow, it is amazing the support you guys have given to this idea. You have done a lot to put the idea of non-guided hunting on the radar screen of industry. Everyone is amazed at the number of emails they get about the show, and the amount of talk they hear about this "non-guided" hunting idea.

Why that is so amazing to many in the industry, I still don't know. The data shows that you non-guided guys, whether on public or private land, represent 97% of the big game hunters in America. :confused:

The voting closes after Thursday, the 31st. Thanks in advance for any votes you can garner on our behalf.

Happy New Year. May it be filled with health, happiness, and many great days afield!

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