Caribou Gear Tarp


Good intentions but will be judged by the slightest burp of 'current operating plan'. Too much jurisdictional jealousy, extreme media scrutiny (actually this might backfire on liberal press as real problem may be brought to light), and don't forget the ACLU is watching... they have many pro bono legal factions working on their behalf.
This could easily blow up with one unfortunate incident, be it real or staged.
We have Lawyers/doctors/pilots/engineers/lots of professional highly trained law enforcement/ EMT`s etc... and there will be 48 media outlets covering the April 1st "grand opening" in tombstone AZ........The publicity will be priceless... yes i`m sure there will be groups of liberal asshole [la raza etc.] that will try to provoke us....we will see how it goes.
I think the intent is genuine. I can see this ending up in a big ass mess. Once you turn a buch of people loose to try and do the right thing, things are going to go wrong. Personally I think it is a bad deal and is going to end up a worse deal.
Elkhunter- I agree. Even the best laid plans can be screwed up by a couple of goof balls with guns. The fact this group's leaders are saying they are taking the problem into their own hands gives me trepidations. I hope for the best as I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt but I fear the worst may happen. Let the people who are supposed to do the job do it. Stay out of the way. If change is going to happen it will have to start in the political arena (both Mexico and the United States), until then it will remain a problem. The minutemen may raise awareness but it can be both positive and negative.
That could be said about any thing that is set up to be well intentioned.
But we will never know until the bomb is dropped whether it will fly or not... :)
Remember the Gardian Angels in NYC. Started out great, good press and National exposure, then as the ranks filled with less that quality recruits, you got thugs who saw it as a way to be tough with an organization to Label them as "Good Guys". Hope that does not happen here. My 2 cents.
Thanks for your opinions... optimistic and pessimistic.... I choose to be upbeat and optimistic about the Minutemen and their mission....We are already getting national attention [exposure] good or bad...and the pricks in Washington,DC. are getting nervous. Your elected senators/president are bought and paid for by the special interest lobby than hang out on K street. "Vigilante" to some is a bad this case i see it as Patriot. We care about this country and are willing to spend our own time/money/energy to make a point. Will this stop illegal immigration? Hell no it won`t even make a dent.Our government has ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to "stand down" in main sectors of the U.S.. that is unacceptable to many Americans. Didn`t GW Bush say after 09/11 to stay Vigilante? stay alert? report any crimes and suspicous activity? Well than why would we be a problem?
cjcj- I agree the President was bought and paid for by special interest groups (oil in particular). By your own admission, this group will not make a dent in the problem. I feel the same way. Do you really think the national attention this group is bringing will all be good? Do you feel it will sway the political arena into wanting to tighten the border further? If it does nothing but put more pressure on a border patrol (by the border patrol having to watch one more group) that is already outnumbered, it will be a detriment.

Patriot used to have meaning but lately it seems to be used by any organization to say they're better than anyone else. Listening to the am radio, you hear "you're a great patriot" all the time. Hell, they don't even know the person and they say that. Now, I think Patriot means you're a Republican by the way it's being used.
Well Matt Patriot, doesn`t mean any party affiliation... sorry you look at it that way[republican] and sorry that you believe that the border patrol will have to spend any time or energy watching the minutemen [they won`t] We have already talked to "hundreds" of front line border patrol agents, and they welcome us! yes thats right , the bullshit you are hearing is from top "lap dogs" that they don`t want us there. They are told when to jump and how high by they homeland "insecurity"....The border patrol isn`t responsible for us [500 minutemen] or the THOUSANDS of hunters who hunt along those border units. the simple fact is the border is being OVERRUN by smugglers and illegals and we feel we will bring this fact some more publicity.. with that more pressure on Washington. Don`t you at least think its worth a try? if not whats your solution?
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so".

Ronald Reagan
Reagan had some great lines....too bad he couldnt remember any of them, practice any of them, or uphold the laws of the United States Constitution.

Clinton gets hammered for a whitehouse "fling" but the gipper is a hero for Iran/Contra?

Tell me the media doesnt lean right...
TB- I listen to am radio for the same reason I listen to you. I like to hear good jokes...

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